
Getting a tan


Hero Member
Here is my Blackguard out sunning by the pond to get that nitro to "Butterscoth" up.  


Here it is right after it was rubbed out a few months ago.


Here she is starting to get that beautiful vintage color we love on old Tele's.  Notice my arm ware is even showing from playing this baby hard!


I'd be afraid of the fishies swishing their tails and splashing some water on my sunbather. But that's just me worrying
Thanks, Tonar, there's a distributor here in my area I can call, the only thing I saw online was 4 gallon cans, would rather buy a gallon at a time if possible.

You ever used a UV tanning bed to accelerate the process? I've got a guy that wants me to build him a "'57 V-neck" with basically that same yellowed/aged finish as on your Blackguard, what did you use on the undercoat?

Go to the third page of the DIY pages and look for my post titled Blackguard Tele, it has pictures and descriptiuons of the whole process.

I spoke to the chemists from both my company and Val-Spar about using UV lights and they agreed it would work.  The Val-Spar chemist was suppose to get back to me on the kind of UV lamps they use in their lab to test for UV resistance and neither one of us have followed up.  I’ve just been using the good old California sun. (I heard that term once and never figured out the difference between the California Sun and the Sun some other place.)

I guess I should get off my lazy hinny and find out what lamps they use in the lab.
Unfortunately the Valspar page does NOT list product numbers and even if they did it would be confusing; to save anyone else interested (I'm sure there's a few here) you need to specify product NAC-1109 to one of their distrbutors, 1 gallon size (comes larger) and Clear (also comes in black or white).

The local distributor is out-of-stock till late next week, will strip one of my funky ash test bodies and check it out in a tanning bed.
I show the stock number you have as a "Water White Pre-Cat 90 sheen, not the correct product.    I sell the stuff you are looking for as # NRC 1409-1,  Luster Lac Pro 90 sheen.  Your distributer may have different SKU numbers than we do and that could be correct but I would double check with them and make sure it is not Pre-Cat or Water-White.

Thanks, I'll double check with them in the morning; their internal stock number was actually GM-NAC-1109-1GAL for a gallon, specifically told her Luster Lac Pro Clear Sheen. This is the largest wholesale distributor of finishing products in the KC area, it sounded like talking to them twice that whatever price list/line sheet they get from Valspar is confusing as shit, even to them.