
GAS Alert!!!!

These neon finishes keep reminding me of Gak. 

I like all the old folks that think anything that doesn't look like a 3,000 dollar coffee table is stupid.

some people actually like to have silly, light hearted FUN when they play guitar, OF ALL THINGS!
I wouldn't mind having a goofy looking guitar with glow paint and wacky colors, but ain't no way I'm paying $1000 to put a custom one together.  But if someone gave me one, I'd have fun with it.

I think for some people, they just can't imagine their style music being played on something that looks like that.  It doesn't affect the sound or anything, but people are primarily visual, and if they're thinking they want to play music with really serious themes or music that's really earthy, they probably don't imagine it coming out of a guitar that looks like a kid's toy from the late 80s. 

Or, you know, they just don't like neon. 
I'm seriously considering buying it, putting a dark exotic wood neck on it, and playing in a country cover band.  No lie.

If you can't find your inner purple neon glow in the dark part of your soul, I don't know what to say.  That thing needs to be celebrated.  It's not a piece of hair band nostalgia, ffs.  It's classy in a crass way.  I'm now turned on and must go now.

hannaugh said:
I wouldn't mind having a goofy looking guitar with glow paint and wacky colors, but ain't no way I'm paying $1000 to put a custom one together.  But if someone gave me one, I'd have fun with it.

I think for some people, they just can't imagine their style music being played on something that looks like that.  It doesn't affect the sound or anything, but people are primarily visual, and if they're thinking they want to play music with really serious themes or music that's really earthy, they probably don't imagine it coming out of a guitar that looks like a kid's toy from the late 80s. 

Or, you know, they just don't like neon. 

I write the most depressing lyrics you'll ever hear. and I like neon guitars.

maybe it's a Metal thing...
It's definitely a style thing. If BB King sat down with a bright orange BC Rich Mockingbird, everyone would be a bit surprised to say the least even though Mockingbirds are quite capable of a good blues tone. Similarly you're not going to see too many deathmetalers using a Gibson Lucille, even though it actually has quite a good tone for it. Lots of people act as if feel and tone are the only things that matter but face it, nobody wants to use a guitar that doesn't fit in visually with what they play or that is simply in a finish they don't like.

Me, I like that sort of thing. I play pop rock with a heavy 80s influence and also gothic metal, both of which I take completely seriously (don't mix 'em, mind), so to me a bright purple Les Paul with glow-in-the-dark racing stripes is close to perfect. Stick on a maple neck with the back and headstock painted to match and an ebony fretboard, throw in something bright and ceramic-based in the bridge and a hum-sized P-90 in the neck and I'm sorted. Make a 7-string version, a 6 with a piezo bridge and a 7 with a piezo bridge and that's all my bases covered. But that's just me. I wouldn't expect a guy who's been playing country-blues for 50 years to like it. I wouldn't expect someone who's in a classic rock covers band to want one.
Ace Flibble said:
I play pop rock with a heavy 80s influence and also gothic metal, both of which I take completely seriously (don't mix 'em, mind),

These guys do.

Ace Flibble said:
I play pop rock with a heavy 80s influence and also gothic metal, both of which I take completely seriously (don't mix 'em, mind),

These guys do.


Actually, I applaud her restraint - a lot of women would have made the video a lot more about the boobs, which I note are excellent (as a purely scholarly observation).

Märkeaux said:
I wonder if W got a return from one of their customers they're ghost building for....

there is a batch of solid color finished strat bodies in the showcase, all with a wilky routing, all with a double battery routing and all with a different stamp in the neck pocket, well at least different than the regular one.

I wonder what the story is there.. oh best part is, they are all really cheap..  I hate it that there are always steals in the showcase, just when I am poor..

Sorry to pull this up from so long ago, but thinking about it now, I'm pretty sure these were for James Tyler. http://www.tylerguitars.com/


Biggus Pickus said:
Märkeaux said:
I wonder if W got a return from one of their customers they're ghost building for....

there is a batch of solid color finished strat bodies in the showcase, all with a wilky routing, all with a double battery routing and all with a different stamp in the neck pocket, well at least different than the regular one.

I wonder what the story is there.. oh best part is, they are all really cheap..  I hate it that there are always steals in the showcase, just when I am poor..

Sorry to pull this up from so long ago, but thinking about it now, I'm pretty sure these were for James Tyler. http://www.tylerguitars.com/



Obviously you'll get no comment from The Turtle.
The gold one is gone, I got the white one, and the red one is still up for grabs. They're a helluva deal. Figure you gotta put a double battery box in the thing to plug that hole so it looks right, but that's a small concession. Lightweight swamp ash, Wilkie route, professional finish... what's not to love? The finish alone is well worth the price of entry. Somebody doesn't grab that red one soon, I'm going to put it in the closet for future fun and games.
Cagey said:
The gold one is gone, I got the white one, and the red one is still up for grabs. They're a helluva deal. Figure you gotta put a double battery box in the thing to plug that hole so it looks right, but that's a small concession. Lightweight swamp ash, Wilkie route, professional finish... what's not to love? The finish alone is well worth the price of entry. Somebody doesn't grab that red one soon, I'm going to put it in the closet for future fun and games.

There was also a cherry sunburst. And if I wasn't mistaken there was more than one of each although we haven't seen them all in the Showcase (yet?)
I was tempted to pick up the gold one for the longest time but I've never been sold on the WIlkinson trem. A lot of Warmoth showcase bodies get drilled for it so I guess it must be very popular and I know it works for a while but that infamous "Wilkinson wobble" puts me off dropping so much cash on one. Shame that not as many bodies get drilled for the Fender Am Standard bridge.

Battery box is a big bonus to me, I think more people should try out active singles. EMG's active Telecaster pickups are utterly fantastic and their Strat-style singles aren't far behind.

Ace Flibble said:
I play pop rock with a heavy 80s influence and also gothic metal, both of which I take completely seriously (don't mix 'em, mind),

These guys do.
Why am I only hearing about this lot now?

Urgh. See, this is why I will never get around to that ultimate rosewood-necked, hollow korina-bodied VIP I've been thinking of. Already I've got iTunes up, buying new albums. And now I'm planning out a Jaguar and an SG build.
I know as much about weird bands, as Cagey knows about guitars. I've been hugged and kissed by the girl in that video.

I've heard of them, but they're one of those bands with a name that makes me think, "This is awful..." well before I ever hear it. Bad on my part, I know, but I can't help it.
JaySwear said:
I've heard of them, but they're one of those bands with a name that makes me think, "This is awful..." well before I ever hear it. Bad on my part, I know, but I can't help it.

Like the Horrorpops?

I want her bass.....  :laughing7:
