
GAS Alert!!!!

I had that Dream again, the one... where I do unspeakable things to penguins... with a Croquet Mallet.
    -Twinkle The Marvel Horse

I have that same problem with baby harp seals. You see a face like this...


and your first thought is "Where's my Louisville Slugger?"
Well, I've got a little more self-control than that, but it does cause me to pat my ass looking for my wallet <grin>
Cagey said:
I had that Dream again, the one... where I do unspeakable things to penguins... with a Croquet Mallet.
     -Twinkle The Marvel Horse

I have that same problem with baby harp seals. You see a face like this...


and your first thought is "Where's my Louisville Slugger?"

The Terrifying thing is I'm actually quoting a cartoon from the disney channel. the character looks like this
and talks like Christopher Walken.
Great I just ordered the parts for my next build and then I find this.


This could be an expensive Christmas.
Holy... something! Every time I think I might be able to resist the seemingly unreasonable urge to own a Tele, a body like that shows up. It's like being in a titty bar where some especially hot skank is paying an usual amount of attention to you. "Ok. I'll give you exactly one hour to stop doing that!..." meanwhile, you're wondering if there isn't a way to have that for yourself and keep it going on forever <grin>
Cagey said:
Holy... something! Every time I think I might be able to resist the seemingly unreasonable urge to own a Tele, a body like that shows up. It's like being in a titty bar where some especially hot skank is paying an usual amount of attention to you. "Ok. I'll give you exactly one hour to stop doing that!..." meanwhile, you're wondering if there isn't a way to have that for yourself and keep it going on forever <grin>

Your analogies.... need work.
dying & bursting is the best way to get it to stop having that undyed/bursted plain maple colour :)

you *can* finish it clear, i just think it's ugly that way.
B3Guy said:
the guy in the gas mask is a little too scary for me  :o
although . . . maybe it's Dumbo flying at you with his ears flopping out the sides of his head. idk.
Disco Scottie said:
B3Guy said:
the guy in the gas mask is a little too scary for me  :o

Nothing a good neck humbucker route won't cure.

Neck humbuckers cure everything, up to and including pancreatic cancer and myopia.

I don't like quilted maple, but the flying elephant was rather cute...