
GAS Alert!!!!

OzziePete said:
I have been having GAS problems since I saw this bass body on Showcase...... Nice Bubinga top. Can just imagine this thing thumping away with a MM pickup and some actives to push things along!


This one and the Cocobolo top too!
JimBeed said:
Theyve been in there since i ordered my bass body and neck so latter part of last year!

He he, I know, I know!!

That Bubinga topped LP Bass body has dropped in price too, since I first saw it...... :help:
OzziePete said:
JimBeed said:
Theyve been in there since i ordered my bass body and neck so latter part of last year!

He he, I know, I know!!

That Bubinga topped LP Bass body has dropped in price too, since I first saw it...... :help:
it has? ..... and i have 1000 left from dads pension............  :help: :help: :help: :help: :help: :help: haha
no thats being saved for something much more important, when i know what that is!
and they are lovely tops both of them,  was gonna do a music man lp or sg before i went for a 3 jazz Z bass. still a possiblity unless i got a music man proper one, though wheres the fun ey?

I'm still waiting for a red/white/red, Canada-themed guitar. Obviously, it'd have to be all-maple and fitted with a hockey-stick headstock.
ErogenousJones said:

I'm still waiting for a red/white/red, Canada-themed guitar. Obviously, it'd have to be all-maple and fitted with a hockey-stick headstock.

:) :) :) :) :)
ErogenousJones said:
I'm still waiting for a red/white/red, Canada-themed guitar. Obviously, it'd have to be all-maple and fitted with a hockey-stick headstock.

It would play A, or eh, really well and be the most polite guitar on the forum.
Super Turbo Deluxe Custom said:
Biggus Pickus said:
Someone buy it and put the sticker on it.

People might think it's made by PopSicle.  Another logo conundrum. :icon_biggrin:

I will be calling Popsicle to make them aware of these awful criminal activities!!
Biggus Pickus said:
You can only buy that hollow flame topped Tele if you promise to rout a custom f-hole in it.
If basses could be made hollow id get a dragon f hole to be different haha, same size as a f hole only shaped more like the long dragons,