
GAS Alert!!!!

I do like my belly cut on my Stratocasters, but I don't miss it on my double-bound Tele, for some reason.  It's a nice lookin' axe, in any case.  Too bad about the overspray in the cavity, though.
Flamed goncalo. Shut my mouth.


Yeah, that's sharp. 3rd neck in as many months I've had to pass up. I'm gonna have to start working for something other than beer.
Jet-Jaguar said:
This has not been an easy year financially, and I'm gonna need someone to buy this quick so I don't put it on my credit card. 

Bagman67 said:
I'd definitely like to help you out; I like the flame! But as usual, I just can't get past the ugly inlays! It's kinda like hanging fuzzy dice on the mirror of your Lamborghini, to me!  :dontknow:
Ddbltrbl said:
Jet-Jaguar said:
This has not been an easy year financially, and I'm gonna need someone to buy this quick so I don't put it on my credit card. 

Bagman67 said:
I'd definitely like to help you out; I like the flame! But as usual, I just can't get past the ugly inlays! It's kinda like hanging fuzzy dice on the mirror of your Lamborghini, to me!  :dontknow:
great analysis... :laughing11:
This comes from parts in the Showcase. Since it's in the Showcase I'd be saving money, right? I'm just afraid my wife would say she knows how I could save even more  :(

You not only save on the parts due to the Showcase discount, you save on the instrument in general by assembling it yourself. If she can't see what an incredible deal that is, I'd say it's time for 30 days in the hole. If that doesn't correct her outlook, give her 30 more, because what you have there is obviously a failure to communicate. Eventually, she'll get her mind right. Humans are social animals. There is no worse punishment than isolation. We literally can't live with ourselves.
Did anyone see this ..... http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/One-of-a-Kind-Carved-Tele-Body-Warmoth-LOOKS-LIKE-METAL-ALL-WOOD-NO-RESERVE-/121190436866?_trksid=p2047675.l2557&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEWAX%3AIT&nma=true&si=b1yhUPQyznKvG7Xpxne2gekTOpY%253D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc
:dontknow:  Looks pretty well done.

I was very tempted to bid ...... BUT didn't  :icon_biggrin:
My limit for me, was NO where near what it got. 

Was watching it, and it sat on $350 for all it's time, till the very last minutes  :o

Interesting market, wonder what something of Great Apes could achieve.

:redflag:  EDIT ...
WOW just found it here on the forum.

Great work sir  :icon_thumright:
Updown said:
Did anyone see this ..... http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/One-of-a-Kind-Carved-Tele-Body-Warmoth-LOOKS-LIKE-METAL-ALL-WOOD-NO-RESERVE-/121190436866?_trksid=p2047675.l2557&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEWAX%3AIT&nma=true&si=b1yhUPQyznKvG7Xpxne2gekTOpY%253D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc
:dontknow:  Looks pretty well done.

I was very tempted to bid ...... BUT didn't  :icon_biggrin:
My limit for me, was NO where near what it got. 

Was watching it, and it sat on $350 for all it's time, till the very last minutes  :o

Interesting market, wonder what something of Great Apes could achieve.

See this thread for the pictured Coppercaster...
mrpinter said:
This comes from parts in the Showcase. Since it's in the Showcase I'd be saving money, right? I'm just afraid my wife would say she knows how I could save even more  :(


I'm pretty sure your version will cost less than the Jackson version http://www.ebay.com/itm/Jackson-USA-Soloist-SLAT90-Tobacco-Sunburst-rare-p90-cs-slatqh-slat-m-archtop-/350878266034?pt=DE_TV_Video_Audio_Sonstige&hash=item51b1f972b2
rapfohl09 said:
This is poplar? Surprisingly good looking!

It says 1 piece Poplar, so probably.
full link: http://www.warmoth.com/Showcase/ShowcaseItem.aspx?i=pt3258&Body=2&Path=Body
The GAS overcame me and I had to order this Koa top on a mahogany gecko 5 fretless.


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