
GAS Alert!!!!


Hey look Agwan posting a rendering of a fake guitar? yeah he never does that. woo the excitement.
Didja ever wonder why that body style never gained much popularity? Yeah, me neither <grin>
Cagey said:
Didja ever wonder why that body style never gained much popularity? Yeah, me neither <grin>

maybe its the giant fishhook hand catcher.

I dunno.

its stupid.

yet I love it.
I can't remember if it was in the gallery on the main site or on the forum, but someone had a Baritone Iceman.  It may have even been lefthanded.  The owner commented that they probably had the only one in existence.  Not even I could argue with that.
Super Turbo Deluxe Custom Uber-Dangerous said:
I can't remember if it was in the gallery on the main site or on the forum, but someone had a Baritone Iceman.  It may have even been lefthanded.  The owner commented that they probably had the only one in existence.  Not even I could argue with that.
It was DocNRock's, Abominable Iceman, all mahogany if I recall correctly.....I've always liked the Iceman very comfy to play, and it just has a certain feel about it...

Hey look Agwan posting a rendering of a fake guitar? yeah he never does that. woo the excitement.

I loved the headstock design they were doing on the iceman for a while that's not just like all there other RG and whatever headstocks. But either way, that's a sweet guitar. The simplicity of black and white never stops looking good and lets the form speak for itself
Yeah, a White ICT 700 may one day be in my stable. but at 800 bucks a pop, why not spend 300 dollars more and get a fat necked Iceman made to spec.
Yeah, a White ICT 700 may one day be in my stable. but at 800 bucks a pop, why not spend 300 dollars more and get a fat necked Iceman made to spec.

Ugh. Do the iceman models have the wizard necks too? that'd break my heart
Yep, the ICT700 is basically a set neck RG shaped like an Iceman.

which is not to say its bad, I like Wizard necks sometime.

but to me, the Iceman is my LP alternative. So I'd prefer a fat neck with a shorter scale.

at the very least a fatter neck.

you get this mahogany guitar, meant to be a bit warm... with a skinny neck, fender scale and somewhat glassy pickups.

not really ideal.

also, its basically an RG, which I can get for 400 dollars. I don't feel like paying 400 MORE dollars just for the iceman shape.
I kinda hate RGs. I really hate wide, thin necks like the Wizard. I had an RGA once and it was a nightmare. I felt like the SA that i bought for less than half the price was a nicer sounding, looking, and feeling guitar.
i like a lot of ibanez's designs, but none of their mainstream ones. I think a shortscale LP-style iceman would be excellent. I have an Artist and I love it - though it sounds nothing like most Les Pauls I've played for whatever reason. it's kind of twangy.

but i digress. that white iceman is awesome aesthetically. and always a good motivator to invest in Warmoth products.  :icon_thumright:
I agree, it was just a dick move by ibanez to dump all the things that made an Iceman an Iceman. they don't even have the 3+3 headstocks anymore.

that being said, its not a bad guitar. I might buy one at the right price.

The Central Scrutinizer said:
I think Justatele should buy m815, because I can clearly see a face of a cat in the flames!!

I see it too... neat!

Now... if I could just see that goddamned sailboat...