Let me tell you what one company does....
That company is Ovation, which also extends the practice to Hamer and Kaman Music. First, let me say that I know Bill Kaman, he's a great guy, a player (and damned good one) and collector (and a darned astute and knowledgeable one), and he exhibits true passion for what he does.... and would even if his father's name were not on all the letterhead <thanks Bill>
Once a year, they have a reunion of rag tag Ovation users, who frequent the web forums, are players, collectors, boutique Ovation dealers.. just folks who love Ovation. They get a fairly nice factory tour. They get lunch. They get access to ask questions of the workers. They pretty much get the VIP treatment. I'm not sure how they cope with "insurance" issues, but they do get to wear safety glasses, and ear plugs (when applicable). After lunch with Bill and his managers at the factory (just a small buffet... but done well), they get to tour Hamer USA (in the same building), then they get access to the VIP repository, wherein, they can purchase fantastic tops (to be fitted to newly ordered or existing instruments), necks, old stock (amazing finds from the 70's and 80's), special one-off models, even prototypes!. After that they go to a hotel (where everyone is staying), they have the Ovation Dinner (usually with some factory staff present, Bill is sometimes there...sometimes not). After dinner to the wee wee wee hours, the Ovation Jam, some plugged in, some not. Next day they have informal brunch "Ovation afficianados" and then they're on their own. They charge a fee for this, pretty much to cover expenses. Its cheap... think it was $35 for tour, lunch and dinner. Room is group rate, so reduced price.
Anyway that's what Bill does for the boys (and girls too!). Kaki King and her dad (also a great player and Ovation maven) have been there. Got some CD's and DVD's of her stuff handed out. Glen Campbell hasn't made it <gggg>, but the offer is open.