
Floyd Rose Non-Fine Tuner Recessed rout... want one make it happen...

As a side note:
Double A, I would be curious about your 5 most requested bridge routes (IE: routes requested by customer on order ie: not including showcase items)
Hi!  New user here, just adding my name to the pot, Q told me to post here...Gonna order a 7/8 T body if / when they are able to do the recessed NFT floyd route!

Also FYI in case anyone is unaware, the problem with the NFT floyd's that I have always had is the vintage style screw in arm holder --- but FR now has a new "push in" style arm holder that is compatible with the NFT that has a set screw on the side, basically nearly identical to the Gotoh 510...so that's the reason why I am finally wanting to pull the trigger on this.  Been waiting for that for awhile.
surge said:
Hi!  New user here, just adding my name to the pot, Q told me to post here...Gonna order a 7/8 T body if / when they are able to do the recessed NFT floyd route!

Also FYI in case anyone is unaware, the problem with the NFT floyd's that I have always had is the vintage style screw in arm holder --- but FR now has a new "push in" style arm holder that is compatible with the NFT that has a set screw on the side, basically nearly identical to the Gotoh 510...so that's the reason why I am finally wanting to pull the trigger on this.  Been waiting for that for awhile.

I keep hitting it, but for some reason the "Like" button is only registering a single "like"!  :turtle:
Welcome to the forum and thank you Surge.

Not sure who Q is?

Its probably not needed but if you have not done so already make sure also to send a Personal Message to double A with your e-mail details.

amon said:
[quote author=guitarman]Hey amon, why won't you be the fifth guy??
Hey Aaron, Ibanez does a belly contour on the Iceman.  Is this available on Warmoth's Iceman?

As Aaron mentioned it is not a standard option but definitely something we have and will do.
Knorris said:
amon said:
[quote author=guitarman]Hey amon, why won't you be the fifth guy??
Hey Aaron, Ibanez does a belly contour on the Iceman.  Is this available on Warmoth's Iceman?

As Aaron mentioned it is not a standard option but definitely something we have and will do.

Thanks for clarifying Knorris! I had a feeling this was the case, but wasn't 100% positive and didn't want to say so without checking first.
surge said:
Hi!  New user here, just adding my name to the pot, Q told me to post here...Gonna order a 7/8 T body if / when they are able to do the recessed NFT floyd route!

Also FYI in case anyone is unaware, the problem with the NFT floyd's that I have always had is the vintage style screw in arm holder --- but FR now has a new "push in" style arm holder that is compatible with the NFT that has a set screw on the side, basically nearly identical to the Gotoh 510...so that's the reason why I am finally wanting to pull the trigger on this.  Been waiting for that for awhile.

Hi surge,
If you want in on this, you must follow the instructions in post #31 of this thread (quoted here for convenience):

double A said:
OK, here is how we will proceed:
  • We are not going to take anybody's money at this time. We want to complete the R&D process first. This way, if any problems are discovered along the way, nobody is out any money (except us, which would suck).
  • We will be ordering this bridge: https://floydrose.com/collections/tremolos/products/frtnft?variant=6605134037019    It is what all our tests will be based off. Please confirm that this is the bridge in question.
  • To the five who have committed to this project: each of you please PM me your direct email address, so that I can communicate with you all directly in a group email. We aren't going to hash out details here on the forum. We want to be communicating directly with you. We are going to need to gather specific order info from each one of you before we can start, so please be thinking about exactly what you want to order. As soon as I have the five addresses I will send out the first email to get us going.
I want to reiterate two things before we start, to make sure that everyone's expectations are properly calibrated:
  • The R&D process will not be completed this week, or next week, or probably next month. It's a long process...months, probably. Please be aware that you are committing to this thing for the long haul.
  • We are committing to the R&D expense in good faith. Once we announce we have completed it, we expect you to send us money right away.
Err'body cool?
Let's get started!  :bananaguitar:
surge said:
Hi!  New user here, just adding my name to the pot, Q told me to post here...Gonna order a 7/8 T body if / when they are able to do the recessed NFT floyd route!

Also FYI in case anyone is unaware, the problem with the NFT floyd's that I have always had is the vintage style screw in arm holder --- but FR now has a new "push in" style arm holder that is compatible with the NFT that has a set screw on the side, basically nearly identical to the Gotoh 510...so that's the reason why I am finally wanting to pull the trigger on this.  Been waiting for that for awhile.

100% agree: the push-in aftermarket arm is the bee's-knees. Every one of my Floyd guitars has received that mod. It should be standard equipment, AFAIC.
Double A (Aaron) is currently at Summer NAMM on behalf of Warmoth. Not sure if he has gotten all 5 PM's yet but he will be back Monday to let you all know the score. Sorry, I'd give you guys the info if I had it.
faisalbaig said:
If i am correct, I was the 5th guy to sign up and I did get a PM reply of confirmation.

doubleA had mentioned just before you signed up and PMed that he was waiting on two more. So we know we have four but number 5 is currently uncertain.

One more person committing today in the thread and sending a PM to doubleA will ensure we have it across the line.

guitarman said:
We should be with seven people, if everybody pm'ed. But they didn't didn't they?!

Not that I am aware of. I PMed some of the newer people who posted in the thread but as far as I know they have not followed through.
Hopefully we'll this show on the road soon.
Am waiting anxiously.
BTW, Is Aaron the dude who is on all warmoth youtube videos ?
Cool guy!!