
First Time


Junior Member
Will soon have my parts.mahog chambered body/rosewood lam,wenge neck/rosewood fret. P/up P-rail neck, SSL 6 mid, tele quarter -pounder bridge. Push/push to access P-rail options and 5-way switch to select b/w positions. Have no wiring experience but have to start somewhere.Even the most basic and obvious decsions that you guys make when wiring will be new to me ie where to ground, what wires to use ie everything. Have been studying online but everything seems to assume some basic knowledge. So my question, am I biting off more than I can chew or is there something like '"wiring for dummies" to get me going. everyone has to start somewhere. What do you think.Thanks 
I'm in the same position pretty much, it seems that I can get the harder things, but the simple things such as the grounding you mentioned are confusing.

By the way, this link in the stick at the top of this sub-forum is invaluable. Talks to us like we know nothing, which is pretty much true. http://alexplorer.net/guitar/mods.html
There is a thread on here called "questions too stupid to deserve their own thread . . . thread", or something to that effect.

I don't really know squat, but when I come to building my guitar, I'm sure I'll be putting lots of questions in that thread about really basic stuff. Especially if you are asking a non-hypothetical, (I.e. you are actually in the process of wiring, etc.), the guys here will be more than happy to answer any questions you might have. MY suggestion would be to either ask in the aforementioned thread, or . . . (and everyone here REALLY likes this . . .) start a thread in the "in progress" section, detailing your build with pics. Then, if you hit a roadblock, and need help, you already have a bunch of knowledgeable folks following your thread for the pics of your awesome guitar, who can answer your questions there.

INncase you're still uneasy don't be. I think this emoticon pretty much sums up this forum: :occasion14:

compared to other forums, which are more like  :binkybaby:,  :(,  ???,  :icon_scratch:,  :-\,  :sad1:, or even  :tard:.