Might as well drop in my two cents on this one.
I agree with the general opinion that the tight neck pocket was probably a non issue. Im guessing the only reason that was even mentioned was due to the bigger issue with the knot in the wood. Its funny how completely meaningless and trivial things start to ache you when you have something else that has already upset you.
For me personally, I think having a knot hole in my body would not be a big deal. I would toss it up as a unique beauty mark, kinda like Cindy Crawford's mole (though I always thought she should get that dammed thing cut off to avoid the chance of loosing her upper lip to melanoma
I think about the only thing in that would truly upset me would be if I received a body that had a clear and obvious join where the body blank was made. Granted this would be dependent on wood type as some are going to show the join no matter what you do, but in the standard case of things like alder or ash, I would be a little miffed.
I think the fact is that Warmoth puts out a LOT of custom, or at least customized, parts. Given the uncontrollable variance in a natural product like wood, and the wide variance in the expectations of customers, every once in a while, someone is going to be disappointed with what they receive to some degree or other. I agree with some of the posters above, the OP was in no way out of line, and is handling his mild disappointment much better than a lot of other people I have had the misfortune to encounter. I did tech support for a couple of years, and let me tell you, I have stories. I'm suppressed I didn't develop some sort of festering growth in my right ear from the black vitriol it was exposed to