First Build Swamp Ash Jagstang


We just got our swamp ash Jagstang body today for our first build father/son project.  The body was in great shape with no dings anywhere so we gave it a light sand with 220 and cleaned it up.

The desired end finish we're trying for is a translucent black cherry in kind of a burst...lighter in the center and darkening up on the edges...dark sides and back.  We want to really see the grain show through in the top.

I'm using Colortone water based grain filler....mixed up a couple of tablespoons with a few drops of black Colortone stain.  I brushed it on with the grain in small sections...let it dry 3 to 5 minutes then removed with a plastic flexible straight edge.  I finished the entire back this way...trying to keep light coats.

Well the desired effect of darkening the grain is evident.  I can see this will do what we want.

However, you can also see the stained filler kind of blotching spots on the wood also.  A lot of these sanded out mostly...but you can still see different shades throughout the back of the body.  Is this normal?  Do I just keep sanding away at it until the natural wood color returns?  If so I assume the pores will stay filled and darkened? 

I'm going to be doing something very similar to this and I'm worried the same thing will happen - does anyone know of a way to stop this from happening? I read somewhere doing 1 or 2 coats of sanding sealer before grain filling would do the job, but then someone said it wasn't necessary?
I have orbital sanded out the blotchy appearance...and much of the grain fill.  I'm going to clean it and apply a coat of sand and seal and start all over.  If the first fill application seems to go well I'll apply a coat of sand and seal after every fill and sand operation until desired fill is achieved.
Coat with sanding worked beautifully.  I did two coats then started grain filling. 