
Fender Scale Vs Gibson Scale Comparison 24.75" vs 25.5"


Junior Member
I have search all around the internet before for pictures showing the difference between the fender scale and the gibson scale:
And now that I received my Gibson scale neck, and since I have a few spare necks hanging around, I would like to make a comparison post just to help those are searching out there:


(From Top: American Standard 25.5", Warmoth 25.5" and Warmoth 24.75")


(From Top: Warmoth 24.75", Warmoth 25.5" ,American Standard 25.5")

Notice that the heels are rectangular and shorter.

Hope this helps for those who are wondering the difference
Not only is the neck shorter, but the frets are spaced more closely together. You wouldn't think that 3/4" spread over 18" would make that much difference in feel, but I just today got a LP clone and between the closer fret spacing,  the neck heel getting in the way early up the neck, the nearly flat fingerboard radius and the added weight, it feels like I'm playing a ukelele made of lead <grin>

Fortunately, it sounds a lot better than that, and there's nothing like a LP, right? You gotta have one.