
Exotic neck woods

I can't watch all NFL games, because:
1) they only passes Sunday and Monday night AND
2) It's too damn late night... starts 11h30PM ends 3AM with lucky... But I saw Saints spanking Patriots... I laughed a lot... that damn Tom Brady who stole one of the most gorgeous woman of Brazil :laughing7:
Yargh .. what ? Dangerous! Still thinking about it..!  :icon_biggrin:

Oh yeah and tell me about it Tele - here in Europe (you didnt see that coming I bet) they only air the rival matches and anything featuring falcons (because of that morten guy .. don't even care to remember his name.. he scored lots of goals) + It's on very late indeed .. Though I would think it's on at normal times in brazil? I mean .. it's the same timezone  :icon_scratch:
AND they cut most of the game out because they don't want to spend more than a couple of hours airing it (gotta make room for some soap) .. (Generally it's not live either) .. in fact the only game they even care to air live is the super bowl .. which of course .. has never featured the saints .. (Maybe in 2010?)

Anyway .. hmm my life is in ruins .. have a happy new year people
Laptopkoen said:
Yargh .. what ? Dangerous! Still thinking about it..!  :icon_biggrin:

Oh yeah and tell me about it Tele - here in Europe (you didnt see that coming I bet) they only air the rival matches and anything featuring falcons (because of that morten guy .. don't even care to remember his name.. he scored lots of goals) + It's on very late indeed .. Though I would think it's on at normal times in brazil? I mean .. it's the same timezone  :icon_scratch:
AND they cut most of the game out because they don't want to spend more than a couple of hours airing it (gotta make room for some soap) .. (Generally it's not live either) .. in fact the only game they even care to air live is the super bowl .. which of course .. has never featured the saints .. (Maybe in 2010?)

Anyway .. hmm my life is in ruins .. have a happy new year people
Although .. I must admit .. reading it again it is kinda funny  :laughing7: Also because I can't  believe how down I was yesterday .. today was like the best day of my life  :toothy12:

EDIT: Compared to yesterday !
Speaking of that .. how do you say 13/32"? I mean if it was 13/34 it would just be thirteen thirtyfours am I right? Would the correct terminology be 'thirteen thirtytwos of an inch'?..  :icon_biggrin:

New years eve .. :sad1:
Laptopkoen said:
Speaking of that .. how do you say 13/32"? I mean if it was 13/34 it would just be thirteen thirtyfours am I right? Would the correct terminology be 'thirteen thirtytwos of an inch'?..  :icon_biggrin:

New years eve .. :sad1:
Thirteen thirty-seconds of an inch.

English is weird...we know.  :icon_biggrin:
Say there DR6, you know a Cowboys Tele with one of those would probably be sweet. Silver with racing stripe body too

Oh yeah I know you feel me on this
jay4321 said:
Say there DR6, you know a Cowboys Tele with one of those would probably be sweet. Silver with racing stripe body too

Oh yeah I know you feel me on this
Oh yeah......I've already been there in my mind.... :laughing7:
Laptopkoen said:
Though I would think it's on at normal times in brazil? I mean .. it's the same timezone  :icon_scratch:

No, neighter in Europe and in USA... Brazil is +3 and +4 and USA is +5 to +8 timezones... they show the whole game, so it ends at 3am... :tard:
Ahh --

I see .. Brazil is further east!