I screwed up the neck if you look when drilling i went threw.ZGOZZ said:
Updown said:Wow ... I just fell into a 4 1/2 year old time capsule. :laughing7:
I really love the Black & Yellow, looks amazinggreat job.
Darm fine looking paint job Sir ZGOZZ :icon_thumright:
Wish I could stretch out a build that far. :icon_biggrin:
ZGOZZ said:Thanks I wounder if I should put in in for guitar of the month, when its done. :doh:
Cagey said:It's true. If you've seen one, you've seen them all. But, Strats in general have become pretty cliché. Everybody and their dog makes at least a dozen varieties of one, ranging in price from $100 to $5,000, and even the least of them are pretty nice. Plus, there are a bajillion really fancy ones. It's a great design, but it's getting nearly impossible to stand out.