Went to Guitar center while the wife was shopping, and came home with a new amp LOL. They had a new Egnater Tourmaster 4212 on the floor clearance priced at $999. Normal price is $1,599. I've played around with the smaller Eganters, and love the tube selection and wattage selector features on them. Didn't like the overall price. Plugged a strat into this bad boy, and was blown away! 4 channels (2 clean, 2 dirty) and all wattage selectable from 10 - 100watts. Played for about a half hour and the manager came in to see what I thought. Told him I liked it, but could justify the price right now so he knocked it down to $850 and I told the wife it followed me home LOL. Still love my hotrod deville, but this thing rocks. Anyone else played one?