
Ebay Spalted Flame Maple LP Kit - Build


Hero Member
Hey all OK, so I received one of these from ebay last week, and I was surprised that today it actually turned up in one piece. I am going to try to keep track of my build progress here, and will hopefully be uploading some daily photo's.


All the hardware is going to be poor, but I have some Cosmo black Gotoh stuff, and Kent Armstrong Jazz pickups I will install. I didn't plan on using it, but the wiring kit is M.I.A. Luckily I have a used epiphone wiring kit I can use. All the pots and caps were there.

The body and neck both appear to be mahogony, and the top is pretty soft in spots, so I am going to have to prepare/harden it before I can do anything with it.    :icon_thumright:

looks cool.  the limitiing factor on these is the hardware and the neck.  Hardware is easily replaced.  How do the neck look?
This has officially piqued my interest in a LP style guitar.  Given that the neck could be a problem, would the body be compatible with a Warmoth LP style neck?
smjenkins said:
This has officially piqued my interest in a LP style guitar.  Given that the neck could be a problem, would the body be compatible with a Warmoth LP style neck?

It's a set neck. Warmoth's necks are bolt-ons.
Super Turbo Deluxe Custom said:
Soft?  Well it is Spalted Maple afterall.  That's why they just make tops and headstock veneers out of it.  A hard finish oughta do you right.

Yeah, you do expect that from spalt maple, as it is actually caused by fungus rotting the wood. Reading some furniture websites, and thin superglue tends to get used a lot as a hardener. From what I can see, you really just keep smearing it on until the wood wont soak it up anymore.

smjenkins said:
This has officially piqued my interest in a LP style guitar.  Given that the neck could be a problem, would the body be compatible with a Warmoth LP style neck?

Didn't get too much time to check this out, but the neck looks like it will be OK. The profile feels comfortable, and seems very straight. Truss seems adjustable as well. The nut might be an issue, so long term I will probably replace it with a pre-cut graphtech one (they are only $10 on ebay).
nexrex said:
Super Turbo Deluxe Custom said:
Soft?  Well it is Spalted Maple afterall.  That's why they just make tops and headstock veneers out of it.  A hard finish oughta do you right.

Yeah, you do expect that from spalt maple, as it is actually caused by fungus rotting the wood. Reading some furniture websites, and thin superglue tends to get used a lot a hardener. From what I can see, you really just keep smearing it on until the wood wont soak it up anymore.

smjenkins said:
This has officially piqued my interest in a LP style guitar.  Given that the neck could be a problem, would the body be compatible with a Warmoth LP style neck?

Didn't get too much time to check this out, but the neck looks like it will be OK. The profile feels comfortable, and seems very straight. Truss seems adjustable as well. The nut might be an issue, so long term I will probably replace it with a pre-cut graphtech one (they are only $10 on ebay).
Super glue will work, but you will be for          e         v             e                r......Trying to fill it with super glue, may I suggest Loctite 2 ton epoxy. That's what I used on mine...
DangerousR6 said:
nexrex said:
Super Turbo Deluxe Custom said:
Soft?  Well it is Spalted Maple afterall.  That's why they just make tops and headstock veneers out of it.  A hard finish oughta do you right.
Super glue will work, but you will be for          e          v             e                r......Trying to fill it with super glue, may I suggest Loctite 2 ton epoxy. That's what I used on mine...

Thanks for the tip dangerous. Did you dilute the epoxy at all?
nexrex said:
DangerousR6 said:
nexrex said:
Super Turbo Deluxe Custom said:
Soft?  Well it is Spalted Maple afterall.  That's why they just make tops and headstock veneers out of it.  A hard finish oughta do you right.
Super glue will work, but you will be for          e          v             e                r......Trying to fill it with super glue, may I suggest Loctite 2 ton epoxy. That's what I used on mine...

Thanks for the tip dangerous. Did you dilute the epoxy at all?
No problem, didn't dilute it, I just mixed a little less hardener in the first coat to give me a few extra minutes to work it in and let the wood soak it in. Don't know if it can be diluted, you might contact Loctite and see if it can be diluted. One thing I like about the epoxy is that it turned a nice amber color.... :icon_biggrin:
Sorry bout the crappy camera phone photo's "miss-placed" my camera again. Hopefully I should have some better shots for the build
DangerousR6 said:
nexrex said:
Super Turbo Deluxe Custom said:
Soft?  Well it is Spalted Maple afterall.  That's why they just make tops and headstock veneers out of it.  A hard finish oughta do you right.

Yeah, you do expect that from spalt maple, as it is actually caused by fungus rotting the wood. Reading some furniture websites, and thin superglue tends to get used a lot a hardener. From what I can see, you really just keep smearing it on until the wood wont soak it up anymore.

smjenkins said:
This has officially piqued my interest in a LP style guitar.  Given that the neck could be a problem, would the body be compatible with a Warmoth LP style neck?

Didn't get too much time to check this out, but the neck looks like it will be OK. The profile feels comfortable, and seems very straight. Truss seems adjustable as well. The nut might be an issue, so long term I will probably replace it with a pre-cut graphtech one (they are only $10 on ebay).
Super glue will work, but you will be for          e          v             e                r......Trying to fill it with super glue, may I suggest Loctite 2 ton epoxy. That's what I used on mine...

that thing is a real work of art.  Can you elaborate on the epoxy process?

Equipped with my respirator, and heaps of cheap thin superglue, I began the hardening process for the top and headstock. I did end up choosing superglue, as it's easier to sand, and I couldn't find a workable cheap epoxy based solution at my local hardware stores.

The wood sucked up the first coat, and I can already see its going to need at least another 3+ coats. I found the best spatula to use was old business cards with some clear tape on the edges. Cheap and disposable, but also flexible.  :icon_thumright:

When its done, it will probably get a light sanding and then a coat of light blonde shellac to seal the wood and give it a bit of color. Here's a shot of my australian pine test board with a similar finish.
DMRACO said:
DangerousR6 said:
nexrex said:
Super Turbo Deluxe Custom said:
Soft?  Well it is Spalted Maple afterall.  That's why they just make tops and headstock veneers out of it.  A hard finish oughta do you right.

Yeah, you do expect that from spalt maple, as it is actually caused by fungus rotting the wood. Reading some furniture websites, and thin superglue tends to get used a lot a hardener. From what I can see, you really just keep smearing it on until the wood wont soak it up anymore.

smjenkins said:
This has officially piqued my interest in a LP style guitar.  Given that the neck could be a problem, would the body be compatible with a Warmoth LP style neck?

Didn't get too much time to check this out, but the neck looks like it will be OK. The profile feels comfortable, and seems very straight. Truss seems adjustable as well. The nut might be an issue, so long term I will probably replace it with a pre-cut graphtech one (they are only $10 on ebay).
Super glue will work, but you will be for          e          v             e                r......Trying to fill it with super glue, may I suggest Loctite 2 ton epoxy. That's what I used on mine...

that thing is a real work of art.  Can you elaborate on the epoxy process?
It's pretty easy, mix+apply+let dry+sand------repeat. I think I ended up puting on about 6-8 coats of epoxy, and used a boatload of sand paper...

nexrex said:
Equipped with my respirator, and heaps of cheap thin superglue, I began the hardening process for the top and headstock. I did end up choosing superglue, as it's easier to sand, and I couldn't find a workable cheap epoxy based solution at my local hardware stores.

The wood sucked up the first coat, and I can already see its going to need at least another 3+ coats. I found the best spatula to use was old business cards with some clear tape on the edges. Cheap and disposable, but also flexible.  :icon_thumright:

When its done, it will probably get a light sanding and then a coat of light blonde shellac to seal the wood and give it a bit of color. Here's a shot of my aussie pine sample board with a similar finish.
Super glue is easier to sand than epoxy, but requires a ton more.  Maple in it's normal state doesn't take nearly as much super glue to create a nice surface as spalted does, as spalted is more porous. The back of my spalted tele is mahogany, to give you an idea about how porous wood will absorb super glue. I used six  .75 oz. bottles on the back and still never got it to fill enough to make a nice smooth surface... :dontknow: :dontknow:
Weird this seems to be filling and hardening up nicely. Maybe the top on this wasn't as porous as I thought. I think the next few coats I'll use just the regular (not thin) superglue. I still have some work to do before I can move forward, as I just noticed there is a defect in the neck binding near where it meets the neck humbucker route.

Body and neck, with a light sanding, and 2 rough sealing coats of blonde shellac. Was kind of impressed as it looks like the bottom half has a bit of flame in it.  :icon_smile:
Man that thing is nice!  Is that only the glue that brought out the figure?

When you are done, what do you coat it with?  Nitro?  Poly?
nexrex said:
Weird this seems to be filling and hardening up nicely. Maybe the top on this wasn't as porous as I thought. I think the next few coats I'll use just the regular (not thin) superglue. I still have some work to do before I can move forward, as I just noticed there is a defect in the neck binding near where it meets the neck humbucker route.

Body and neck, with a light sanding, and 2 rough sealing coats of blonde shellac. Was kind of impressed as it looks like the bottom half has a bit of flame in it.  :icon_smile:
That particular top doesn't have any of the usual spongy spots. Mostly just has some blackline areas in it. Luckily the top on my tele wasn't "spongy"  either like most spalts are, it had some soft spots. But it was pretty stout to begin with...
DangerousR6 said:
nexrex said:
Weird this seems to be filling and hardening up nicely. Maybe the top on this wasn't as porous as I thought. I think the next few coats I'll use just the regular (not thin) superglue. I still have some work to do before I can move forward, as I just noticed there is a defect in the neck binding near where it meets the neck humbucker route.

Body and neck, with a light sanding, and 2 rough sealing coats of blonde shellac. Was kind of impressed as it looks like the bottom half has a bit of flame in it.  :icon_smile:
That particular top doesn't have any of the usual spongy spots. Mostly just has some blackline areas in it. Luckily the top on my tele wasn't "spongy"  either like most spalts are, it had some soft spots. But it was pretty stout to begin with...

Yep, that's why it went so well, as the wood was  a lot more closed then really heavily spalted maple
DMRACO said:
Man that thing is nice!  Is that only the glue that brought out the figure?

When you are done, what do you coat it with?  Nitro?  Poly?

Yeah, basically just the superglue, and 2 wipes wipes of blonde shellac. I was impressed too, considering the whole body only cost $175 AUD.

I'm thinking of doing the back as black, and then I'll start building all the coats of clear gloss polyurethane. I still need to shape the headstock.
Not much done tonight. reshaped the headstock, and a bit of grain filler on the mahogany back and sides.
