
DupliColor Paint Finish Questions

Man, Oh Man!!!

You guys got me laughin' with the Homer video (especially when Homer forgets the "new" words to the song), and the Hank Hill deal!  :toothy12: :toothy10:

My kids swear "King of the Hill" was written about me, and I do hae confess, i sound pretty much like him when I talk..... 

Mr. Neutron said:
Well, my current thoughts are to push air in through one of the flaps/windows you see on the side, possibly with a box fan. Then have it exit diagonally out a flap/window on the opposite side. It's hard to "visualize" I guess, given the photo that got rotated 90 deg.. I had thought, kinda like Cagey did above, that if the motor were on the side of the airflow that's moving away from it (where all the mists and nastiness is), some simple furnace air filters would (hopefully) take care of the clean air supply for the fan. The store I was at had those furnace filters just a few feet away, and some are almost the exact size needed to stick in one of those window/flaps, while others happen to fit a box fan pretty well. I would guess those would take care of the "big chunks 'o' junk" floating around in the air. I'm not certain that a simple diagonal cross flow of air would have enough of a "siphoning effect" to draw some of the paint fumes with it. My respirator takes good care of the dusts, and most of the fumes, but probably not all of them?
You could control things nicely with two adjustable speed fans, one on the inlet and another on the exhaust.

Mr. Neutron said:
God, am I showing my true Okie Redneck Engineering Heritage here? :o I probably wouldn't have lived as long as I have without duct tape.......  :toothy12:
Hold my beer and watch this. :icon_biggrin:
You could control things nicely with two adjustable speed fans, one on the inlet and another on the exhaust.

A really great idea, Rgand!!!  :icon_thumright: If I can score on a used fan that's bomb-proof, I'd do that in a heartbeat!
Indeed. Acetone is not just flammable, it's combustible. You don't blow that that vapor over anything that'll get it started (like a motor or switch).
Mr. Neutron said:
You could control things nicely with two adjustable speed fans, one on the inlet and another on the exhaust.

A really great idea, Rgand!!!  :icon_thumright: If I can score on a used fan that''s bomb-proof, I'd do that in a heartbeat!
How about one of those squirrel cage fans? The motor in them isn't in the flow of air.
I don't know that I'd risk it. But, the reality is in order to be combustible, the vapor has to reach what's known as a "stoichiometric ratio". This is the mixture of fuel-to-air needed to support combustion. It has to be right in order for combustion to occur. Problem is, you don't really know when you're at that point until it's too late (or just right, depending on your point of view).
Some solvents are naturally at that point or close to it. I sure wouldn't take any chances.