
Dual F-Holes!

I dont mind F-holes on any guitar...lets see some on a Les Paul or VIP! :headbang1:

Pickguard covers most of that burst.

Why in the name of all that's holy is the Bengal Burst top-routed??????????????????? Y'all be crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!
jackthehack said:
Why in the name of all that's holy is the Bengal Burst top-routed??????????????????? Y'all be crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ah geez, not this conversation again,,,,, :laughing7:    We just grabbed a body to experiment with and this is where it went.  I'm sure you would agree that Bengal Burst happens to be the best looking finish in the history of guitar bodies too so that body is one of the lucky ones!  :laughing7:
With a top and binding as nice as the one on the second one, it's too bad it's top-routed and the pickguard will cover most of that beautiful curl.  :-\
I really love the contrast with the red back!  drule...

bpmorton777 said:
I dont mind F-holes on any guitar...lets see some on a Les Paul or VIP! :headbang1:

I really wanted f-holes on my VIP, it would have been perfect!!
I have been waiting for an f-hole strat to hit the showcase. I called to order one and for what I wanted it was almost twice the price of a almost exact one in the showcase with no f-hole. So Greg if your listening:

Quilt top
Carribean burst
Rear Route
Hard tail
Single F-hole

I'll take 2
Not big on the F-Holes on a Strat, it just looks weird, IMO. But that second one...  :o frick me sideways, that is HAWT!
Gregg Stewart said:
OK, here's another new one going up today....how about this?  Dig the Vintage Tint Natural Masked Binding! Ooh la la!

It took 3 shots of Rebel Yell to work up the "courage", but it's mine now.

Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for a couple a months, a small price to pay.

Right on RLW! Congratulations! Just wait until you see it in person! Going to a board member too means we'll get to see pictures of it assembled!  :hello2:
So, just to open the floodgates, I have...

1965 Strat
1973 Strat with Duncan Quarter Pounders
Warmoth Black Korina w/ Brazilian neck w/Fender '69's
Warmoth swamp ash baritone w/Rio Grande Calibrated Set

What am I missing? Suggestions?
Congrats RWL !
It's a beaut.  I absolutely love that binding. I would have had it put on my Strat if it was around then.
I'm not as enthused about the two f holes though. I would think it to be too crowded  with controls etc.
I would like to see a finished one though.
RLW said:
So, just to open the floodgates, I have...

1965 Strat
1973 Strat with Duncan Quarter Pounders
Warmoth Black Korina w/ Brazilian neck w/Fender '69's
Warmoth swamp ash baritone w/Rio Grande Calibrated Set

What am I missing? Suggestions?

A Strat.  :icon_jokercolor:
RLW said:
It took 3 shots of Rebel Yell to work up the "courage", but it's mine now.
Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for a couple a months, a small price to pay.

WTH is Rebel Yell?  :icon_scratch:
Congrats it's a very nice body!!!!
and I agree with full soul about the dual P90... perhaps a fake single-coil in the middle just to make a look...
And don't forget... it's a exotic guitar... a plain maple neck or another wood would look weird... shall be 5A figuring  :laughing7:
LOL Rebel yell is a fine brown whiskey here in the US. Anyhow, I think maple would look good, but an exotic certainly would not distract from it. With all the figuring in the body, I'd want an exotic with little figuring, such as that bloodwood neck I've had my eye on. Man that neck would be KILLER on that body!
BB in SC