
Dreaming up a flat-top LP build


Epic Member
So there's this lovely Alpine White LP flattop body that's been eyeing me with a sultry gaze for some time now in the Screamin' Deals section.

I'm envisioning this, with a pau ferro strat neck, open-coil black pups and bonnet knobs, chrome hardware, and a tortoise pickguard.

Any of you photoshopaholics care to cobble together a mockup?  Something like the Montag build I just did, only with a strat headstock, and a conventional LP flattop guard, as seen in the attachments.




FernandoEsteves said:

I can't help you there, Nando.  I like six-on-a-side a lot.
Love the Pau Ferro neck on the white body  :icon_thumright:, not so much with the strat headstock though  :sad:
No 6 inline...plz!

If you want some degree of separation from an lp the warmoth headstock would look cool.

Just my two cents
Well, I really do like the inline look myself.  And I'm also trying to do this on the semi-cheap, and the W and Gibby-style necks don't really give me much to work with out of the showcase. 
Naaah, not crazy about either of those fancy-schmancy necks.  The point is simplicity, or at least, a lower bling factor.  I'd rather go this route:

So I wound up in possession of a Dimarzio Fred pickup.  Anyone got any thoughts as to its utility?  Obviously as a pickup customized for Joe Satriani, it's likely to be suitable for really freakin' loud, distorted guitar stuff, but was interested in anyone's actual experience with it.  It could wind up in the neck or bridge position on this baby.  I'm feeling a trigger-pull coming on.

A Pau Ferro neck is a wonderful thing that everybody should have at least one of. The one you've picked out is particularly attractive. I'm also a big fan of the 6-in-line tuner setup. I'm not as attracted to that body. The white is fine, but I can't condone the individual tone/volume controls, and a Les Paul shape without a carved top just seems wrong somehow, too.
I like what you did with the filtertrons there, Doug.  Interestingly, I was just checking these out at the same time you were posting that image (for which I am most grateful!):


GFS Hot Liverpool Overwounds.  The sample sounds nice and chunky.  38 bux a pop,  plus postage.
Bagman67 said:
I like what you did with the filtertrons there, Doug.  Interestingly, I was just checking these out at the same time you were posting that image (for which I am most grateful!):


GFS Hot Liverpool Overwounds.  The sample sounds nice and chunky.  38 bux a pop,  plus postage.
I have a set of the loud mouths, genuinely awesome pups for like 60 clams a set...
Whatever headstock shape you go with, make it a pau ferro neck, especially if you're using a tortoise shell pickguard.  I normally don't like white guitars that much, but that combo would look really good. 
Ya might consider the GFS Nashvilles, or the lower wound Liverpool as the hot ones will have more bass due to the overwinding.

Going with a lesser wound may provide more clarity and sparkle.

Just a suggestion.
