
Double sided guitar?

tfarny said:
Who cares about all that, that's got to be the most uncomfortable neck ever - like a square neck dobro with bass strings on the bottom side!
Makes a double necked SG look like a masterwork of art by comparison.

Jeez that neck!  It's like a 4x4 beam  :doh:

Is that guy just kinda bad or does the guitar actually make you play that badly?
Even though you can't see his face, his body language makes him seem kind of bitter about having to play such a lame guitar on video.

Take a look at this extremely high quality photo.  :icon_jokercolor:

Note the gap in the pickguard/body where you can see the wiring...
Also note that the knobs are unevenly spaced apart...

LOL!  Note the scotch tape on the bridge pickup to keep it from buzzing when you touch the pole pieces...
Awe damn, I wanted one so bad, but the jack you plug into needs to be on the bottom of the side you're playing not the top!! Darn it!!!  :dontknow:

BTW, if you're going to make a video promoting your hot new bass/guitar guitar, be sure to tune it and set the intonation first.  :doh:
Crack has a lot to answer for....... surely this is someone's joke? Pleassssse tell me it's a joke?  :sad: :tard:

I would think a master volume amp would be WAY more useful than a single volume amp...I dont want to run a 100watt amp at full volume to get crunch out of it. I had a good laugh when I read your post. :icon_jokercolor:

bpmorton777 said:

I would think a master volume amp would be WAY more useful than a single volume amp...I dont want to run a 100watt amp at full volume to get crunch out of it. I had a good laugh when I read your post. :icon_jokercolor:


Too loud?  That's what power attenuators and load boxes (to tap a line level signal) are for.  :icon_thumright:

And unless you run the amp on "10" (or "11"), the typical MV circuit sounds thin and buzzy compared to the roar of a good 'ol single volume.

The whole MV concept is utterly useless considering that power attenuator and load box technology is available.
Here's the proper way to tame a non-Master Volume amp (JTM45 in this case)... notice the Hot Plate (blue) on top:


No Master Volume circuit needed... or wanted, for that matter.   :icon_biggrin:

Addendum:  And it gets more fun after the Hot Plate... I can take a line level signal out, run it
into my DAW and hear all the sweaty single-vol-knob powert00b roar (which would normally piss my neighbors
off) over my headphones, or run it into some FX (and power amp that signal eventually), or run it
into another amp (use my head as a preamp; EVH for example did this).
Superlizard said:
Here's the proper way to tame a non-Master Volume amp (JTM45 in this case)... notice the Hot Plate (blue) on top:


No Master Volume circuit needed... or wanted, for that matter.   :icon_biggrin:
Fancy-Shmancy!!!  :icon_thumright: :icon_jokercolor: :icon_thumright:

Give me a good ol' channel changing, master volume, hi gain monster on any day!!!!  :headbang1:
i think i found an early design http://www.musicinventions.org/westwoods3/twosidedguitar.htm

but seriously, that neck is gigantic. about as thick as the entire body! crazy. and then the fact that your fingers rest on strings... would be awful to play. as somebody on another forum said, "free is about all it's worth."