
Done It!

Hello Updown,

yeah, all this pearloid binding (top and botton on body), the neck (both sides) and white pearl pickguard sure does look like bling bling even on the pic that shows on the side.
I first was thinking to make all the hardware in gold, but that was really toooooo much. that's why I chose black and it fits perfectly.

Pic's for sure, when the packages arrive. Are there any limitations on the size of the photos, when get them from photobucket?
How do you make them look so small when put in this forum and when you click on them they enlarge - that's a great feature. How is it done?

Hey to everyone,

well I tried out something, let's see if it works......

Body front:  


Body back:


Hope it works out.


Wow, first time I tried out the "snipping tool", it's sooooo easy.
Hey riverbluff,

exactly what I thought when I saw the pic on the right hand side of the Warmoth build page. Even thought I am not really a big fan of either pink or purple, buuuuuuuut for whatever reason I like that colour (it looks a little like in-between).

And then all this perloid, as well it will be on the neck (it's with binding). It's just something very bling, blingish. Just right for me.

Hi Julia,

Admiration for the Deluxe build - I have one in mind for the future, although somewhat more restrained...

Welcome, and I look forward to the build pics.

- Blackouts
@ Blackouts:

thanks for your compliment and your admiration  :icon_biggrin: :icon_biggrin: :icon_biggrin: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:

You mean you want to build one with less extras? Why they are a lot of fun and will make your build extra special.... :hello2: :hello2: :hello2:

Hmmmm, the build pics will be long time before they start, since Paul from big W. warned me, it will take about 3 months because of all the extras....


@ lafromla1

thanks for your compliment as well. That's the way I feel about the build  -very unique-, just like I am. Don't anyone get this wrong, I am absolutely not big-headed (hope that's the right word). But any human being is unique, right?


Any particular reason you went with a straight 12" radius instead of the (IMHO superior-in-every-way) compound radius?



yep, I like the straight 12" radius on my LP very much. I extremely enjoy a lot. I would need to know how the compound radius feels, before I would order one.
But maybe one day I will know......

So when are we going to sit down together and drink something together -cheers!-........

juwel1998 said:
Hey to everyone,

well I tried out something, let's see if it works......

Body front: 


Body back:


Hope it works out.


Wow, first time I tried out the "snipping tool", it's sooooo easy.
That's absolutely beautiful Julia, I love the big flakes paint jobs....I think the black hardware will look just awesome... :icon_thumright:

You rock... :headbang1:
Street Avenger said:
I don't think the black hardware looks as good as chrome would with that color scheme.

I don't know. Bagman's Tele looked pretty good that way. Of course, his purple was much more understated, so the contrast was better.
Hey everyone,

thx a lot for all your comments. At least this is my first try. I am very sad, I wasn't able to do the same with the neck, I mean cut the pic out and present it to you guys and gals.

The headstock will get laminated and then get "painted" in the same way. I bet it'll look really great, full custom and kind of expensive, but not at all comparable to the prices with F or G.


@ Cagey

who knows, maybe the color scheme will turn out like Bagman's. I didn't even know someone already had tried that particular color on a Tele.

juwel1998 said:
who knows, maybe the color scheme will turn out like Bagman's. I didn't even know someone already had tried that particular color on a Tele.

It's not exactly what you're describing...


It's a carved-top quilted Maple over Mahogany body with a Wenge over Wenge neck, stainless frets, Wilkinson vibrato, PRS 'buckers. Plays like sex. More pictures here...
Hey Cagey,

well, how could I have possibly known, Bagman had a quiled maple top, I didn't.
But it looks georgeous.

Yeah, she's a beauty. And like yours, he won't have to worry about seeing somebody else playing the same thing.
juwel1998 said:
Hey everyone,

I am soooooo happy and exited. Last night (German time), I finally placed my order. The 1st one ever with big W. I ordered an extreme custom neck, since they are goint to pum laminate on the headstock, so they can put the same finish on the headstock. I mean the same I will use on the body.

Just read the post about the "UPS shipping woes". Hope it will not hit me, because even if something happens to the neck, no chance for returning the broken part.
But I believe I'll be on the lucky side.

Only the HB issue is still open. But I believe that will be solved soon.


Congrats, Julia!  Can't wait to see the finished product!
