
Do you have offspring to carry on the legacy of your guitars?

How many children (actual children, not guitars) do you have?

  • None, whew.

    Votes: 21 55.3%
  • One (AH AH AH)

    Votes: 5 13.2%
  • Two (AH AH AH)

    Votes: 11 28.9%

    Votes: 1 2.6%
  • Angelina Jolie got nuttin' on me!

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
1,5. My son is 22 and do not play music. Neither does my stepdaughter age 17. But I'll guess I'll find someone along the way to give my guitars to.
If I end up having kids, they will have guitars as soon as they can hold them.  And before that, I will make guitar-shaped toys for them to play with.  They will also get drawing lessons from me as soon as they can hold a crayon. 
hannaugh said:
If I end up having kids, they will have guitars as soon as they can hold them.   And before that, I will make guitar-shaped toys for them to play with.  They will also get drawing lessons from me as soon as they can hold a crayon.   

I agree.....
my kid's first guitar lesson:

Marko - That photo is dying for a pick to be photoshopped into your kid's hand!  Kinda looks like he's doing the Pete Townsend Windmill!

No kids for me, just a 3yr old nephew, hoping to get him started on an instrument soon though.
That's an awesome picture! 

I am definitely getting any future children I have into guitar or at least an instrument as early as possible because I wish my mom had done that for me.  I mean, I played a few things here and there, but if I had been in guitar classes from the beginning or in Suzuki method violin classes, I'd probably be a way better musician now. 
No children, but my kid sister is like a daughter to me. Due to family drama I primarily raised her, and she comes to me for everything.

She rocked a Squier Mini from 9-10, but now at 11 she plays a viola.
None that I know of. No pending claims. Last girlfriend and I actually tried but no luck. Blame the wet soccer balls belted into me  :o :sad:  & bicycle handlebars when I was younger I guess. Now I am getting closer to 50 than 40 I am dead set against having kids at this age. Would be just sooooo wrong for the kid's sake. Not that there's a willing partner on the horizon... shiftwork does that to relationships.

IF I did have a youngster they'd be playing something musical, couldn't think of anything more noble than to pass on to your offspring a passion for music or the arts.

If I kick it anytime soon, I know where mine will go, assets are Willed.


Favorite bands: Kiss, Deep Purple, Joe Satriani, Black Sabbath, Backyardigans

He just got kicked out of pre-school, so he's well on his way to being a musician.
I have a wonderful daughter who is showing much interest in music. I got a very late start in life when it comes to offspring. Really glad I waited though. I have much more patience and much more to offer now.

And ohhh  owww! I can vouch for having a vasectomy reversed. Yikes that hurt much more than having it done.

This pic is almost 3 months ago.
Max said:
OzziePete said:
If I kick it anytime soon, I know where mine will go, assets are Willed.
Am I on your will, or should I hold off on the exploding coffee machine?

Hold off on the exploding coffee machine Max - not that I'm worth much, and that Maton ain't been built yet! :icon_biggrin: 

TroubledTreble said:
And ohhh  owww! I can vouch for having a vasectomy reversed. Yikes that hurt much more than having it done.

Is it just me or does every male have the instinctive urge to cross their legs whenever there's a mere mention of vasectomies and/or procedure reversal?  :o
OzziePete said:
Is it just me or does every male have the instinctive urge to cross their legs whenever there's a mere mention of vasectomies and/or procedure reversal?  :o

Not just you, buddy!  :sad1:

Thus far, I have reared no young. But someday I wants me some babies. Godrex, I always love those pictures of your boy holding the strat. He looks like he knows what to do!
I think it would be frowned upon if I did  :laughing7: but my cousin has a keen interest in the guitar, and as soon as he is big enough to fit the one my aunt got him, ima learn him some chuggymcbrootalz.
OzziePete said:
Is it just me or does every male have the instinctive urge to cross their legs whenever there's a mere mention of vasectomies and/or procedure reversal?  :o

Meh, a few days in pain sure beats years worth of screaming children, but that's just me. :blob7: