
Do you feel......special?

hannaugh said:
Guitars aren't "born" whole. 

Yeah! Everyone knows they're hatched from eggs.  :icon_jokercolor:

Seriously though, I don't give people with that kind of diva attitude the time of day. They're not worth it.
hannaugh said:
Honestly, the lesson probably would have been over for me.  I don't pay people to talk down to me.  That might sound like an overreaction, but really, a professional treats their clients with respect. 

I really don't understand this idea that if you have a guitar that you assembled, it's somehow a Frankenstein guitar.  Every guitar was assembled from parts.  Guitars aren't "born" whole. 

Yeah, the idea that a guitar is better if it's built on an assembly line, is ridiculous, and the idea that a guitar is better if it's assembled by someone other than you, is an insult.
Well, I tend to be a Warmoth snob with the ignorant.  At a recent show, I had a guy eye-fornicating my bass while I was playing only to have him say later, "My bass is just like that."  My first reply was, "You have a Warmoth too?"  To which I had 10+ diffrerent reasons of why his wasn't just like mine.  The color, the body wood, the body construction, the pickups, the bridge, the jack location, the wiring, the battery route, the fretdots, the headstock orientation, the number of frets, the tuning ream size, the string retainer, and the most imporatant:  IT DIDN"T EXIST UNTIL I ORDERED IT

My lead singer is quite the brand name snob but is changing his tune.  A while back we opened for a professional touring and recording band that noone's ever heard of.  The sound guy wanted to know what I was playing because direct into the board, the signal was perfect.  I told him and later that band's lead singer sought me out not for my playing but rather what I was playing and wanted to know what it was because he heard I had built it.  I politely and tactfully explained that I ordered the parts and assembled it, LOL.  Months later in the studio, the engineer was dumbfounded again not at my playing, but what I was playing.  My lead singer said to the engineer, "Everywhere we go, people ask what those basses are."

My guitar player has discovered the virtues of Warmoth.  He has put most of the wear on my Tele and has upgraded his MIM Strat with a W Fatback with SS frets.  
Ultimate Warmoth snob conversation:

Fender Snob:  I'm playing a Fender Strat, what are you playing?

Warmoth Snob:  I'm playing a Warmoth Strat.  It's what your guitar would be if you upgraded all the parts.
my mommy says i am VERY special, that is why i get to ride the special bus and wear the special helmet!
ByteFrenzy said:
bendeg said:
Do you already have a W axe ? If yes, how much was for the customs taxes ?

Yes, six basses so far. I should take a family picture one of these days.

For customs you should count on about 25 percent of the purchase amount. I get the impression it used to be slightly less a few years ago and a bit more today. What can sometimes cause a nasty surprise are fluctuations in the exchange rate between USD and Euro.

6 basses already !! Wow, here's one who doesn't waiste his time ! Yeah, post pics of your little "family" !

25%...Oh lord...It's going to be something like 250€, wow, that's much...Bitches ! :evil4:

P.S. :
Do you think Belgium will survive ? 180 years old, pffffffffffffff, not much for a country...

Marko said:
WHAT? Belgium is an actual country? I thought it was just a dutch province.. :tard:

Belgium is a country since 1830. It's a kingdom. We have a king and a queen...Our government is managed a bit like in USA, not much discrepancies.

Belgium is partionned into 4 parts : Flandres (Dutch, north part, in yellow), Wallonie (French, south part, in red), Brussels (in the Dutch part but French & Dutch, hashed part), and in the east, the German part (blue)

Here're our 4 communities parts :

Mullyman ! LOOOOOOOOOOOL ! A Waffle ! You got it man ! It's just a little "thing" of a fly on the world map ! [sorry for my language, I can't help it]

LOL again  :hello2: Thanks for that comment, really I mean it ! People, well..Politics in Belgium should zoom out a bit ! This is ridiculous...People all around the world will make fun of us, and they'll be right to think so!

But this is not the point of this thread. Just for your info : our country MIGHT collapse...This is sad but it's a reality...

P.S. : I'm a bit anxious about my new Warmoth baby delivery...In July...We vote on June 13th...
We really should be taking this to a different post because we're moving WAY O.T., but I think you hit the nail on the head when you say POLITICS in Belgium should zoom out. I don't believe this whole issue would be a big deal outside the political world, but in the meantime politicians from both sides have put so much time into stating that every concession would be a defeat, that any compromise has become impossible. Unfortunately, when the reform of the Belgian state wes initiated (the split of a unitarian state into a federation), instead of tackling the toughest issue first and using some of the less high-profile issues as small change, the toughest nut to crack was left for the last.

But honestly, I personally don't think a full scale spilt is very likely. I don't think anyone who has thought through all the consequences would be prepared to accept them. If we really want to split the Belgian state, we would first have to split Brussels. Splitting the BHV Electoral district is the issue at the basis of the current turmoil, so if we solve that issue, there is no longer a reason to split Belgium, is there? There are also a number of very practical issues. For instance, +32 is the international dial code for Belgium. Dot BE is the suffix for Belgian web sites. If we split the country, who gets to keep the existing domains? Or do the existing unitarian ones disappear completely and are they replaced by new ones? Dot VL for Flanders and Dot WL for Wallonia? Will we split Belgacom into a Flemish and a Walloon branch? And finally, do both parts have enough momentum to exist as independent states? I think that is already only marginally the case for Belgium as a whole. I for one do not really fancy the idea of Flanders being incorporated into the Netherlands, a nation whose citizens on the whole look at us as a retard joke. And I'm not so sure the Walloons are all that keen on joining a country where a national TV station only recently, when discussing our recent communitarian adventures, by mistake inverted the labels 'Flanders' and 'Wallonia' on the map shown in the background.
bendeg said:
People all around the world will make fun of us,

Hahaha, believe me, we already do!  :icon_jokercolor:

the Netherlands, a nation whose citizens on the whole look at us as a retard joke

What a bunch of mean bastards!!
Street Avenger said:
hannaugh said:
Honestly, the lesson probably would have been over for me.  I don't pay people to talk down to me.  That might sound like an overreaction, but really, a professional treats their clients with respect. 

I really don't understand this idea that if you have a guitar that you assembled, it's somehow a Frankenstein guitar.  Every guitar was assembled from parts.  Guitars aren't "born" whole. 

Yeah, the idea that a guitar is better if it's built on an assembly line, is ridiculous, and the idea that a guitar is better if it's assembled by someone other than you, is an insult.

My friend Kate is building me a guitar, and I'm far more excited about it than one I would build myself.

Now about special feelings, only when I have the pink patten leather pumps on..