jay4321 said:
So, no, I don't feel special. I might be happy with my guitar but that doesn't elevate me to superior status because I can screw guitar parts together. No sense getting a big head over that sort of thing.
I totally agree with you.
W makes great quality guitars/basses (for what I read and saw so far on the web site, I don't have my very first pieces of wood yet...), and let's hope it's going be like this for years and years...
W isn't well knwon in Europe, I was looking for guitar kits here but W never showed up in a Google search or my search is not good...
I had to go to an instrument maker to be aware of W existence and, above all, to be trusty...And I think it's a good thing because if too many, if not all, people knew W, there're a lot of "chances" that it will become a must, like F or G, and musts are things snobs are looking for...We don't want snobs here, do we? Their presence often rises prices and lowers quality, because they look for a NAME, not quality...And I must confess, I was still like that a few weeks ago...Fortunately, I've made up my mind since I met an instrument maker....
Let's don't show off too much with our W axes, let's people think what they think about non F or non G, we don't give a damn, we're all aware here about W quality, let's keep it like this !