do 500k/500k or 1M/1M concentric linear taper pots exist?...

Well, it's designed to be mounted on a PCB.  If this were me, I'd mount it on some perf board and then solder the wires to that.
Mayfly said:
Well, it's designed to be mounted on a PCB.  If this were me, I'd mount it on some perf board and then solder the wires to that.

and then solder the wires to the perfboard?...I've never worked with that before.
hachikid said:
Mayfly said:
Well, it's designed to be mounted on a PCB.  If this were me, I'd mount it on some perf board and then solder the wires to that.

and then solder the wires to the perfboard?...I've never worked with that before.
You can use a type of perf board called 'tri-pad", (as in comprised of a series interconnected three pad groups:

Cut it down to whatever size is convenient, position the pot over an unplated strip with the contacts on either side, and you then have open pads connected to the pot to solder your connections to.