
Death to all but metal (uhm... apple!)

yes that was funny and to the point. they missed the mark a bit by the spokes person not having that uptight brit accent. I think apple started this trend to have an Englishman do the spokeperson roll and other companies have followed. it always cracks me up when the guy cant get the accent quite right on some words.  :icon_jokercolor:

as ive said...Ive been a mac user sisnce 86' but am moving towards the PC for ease/cost of repairs. the one thing that was holding me up was software but I hae found repalecements for most of the stuff Im useing.

I work in a computer repair shop that is Apple certified for repairs and I have to say that dealing with Apple is a royal pain in the a$$.

I've been a PC user/builder since pretty much the beginning, but took a real hard look at hard look at Macs recently, and all I see is hype.

I like Mac's OS look better, and it's true that there are less attacks directed at Mac, fine. But all in all you can get tons more power and customability going the PC route and save a lot of money. Apps like Pro Tools and Photoshop started out on Macs and made more sense for users like me years ago, but those days have long since passed. Mac's done a good job of marketing the "cool factor" in the US recently. Their guts are essentially identical to PCs now and they've been able to move units at twice the cost of comparable PCs. 

IPODs, IPhones, ITouch and all those are different matter and I can see the appeal for those sorts of devices.
They are two completely different animals even before you get into the nuts and bolts of how each works.  I've had PCs, but other than the guts, someone else made the computer.  With a Mac, everything is a Mac.

It seems a PC is closest to a Warmoth.  Everything you want, nothing you don't.  It's as custom as you want it to be.