
Death to all but metal (uhm... apple!)

This analogy may be dated (it about 15 years old).  A friend once told me that R2-D2 was like DOS.  It's really hard to understand, but it can do anything.  CP-30 is like an Apple.  It's user friendly but just sucks.
Volitions Advocate said:
I picked the 275 because the 295 is about twice as much.  I never go for the top of the list stuff because the prices tend to logarithmic.  I also used to be a huge ATI supporter but once they merged with AMD they kind of fell behind a bit.  I realize that now they've caught back up, but as far as I've been able to tell there isn't any difference in price point.  It used to be get the ATI card if you wanted to save some money and support the underdog.  but they're charging just as much as Nvidia now.  And SLI seems to be a little more reliable than Crossfire (if the forums are to be believed) and with the added benefit of physx I think I'll stick with the Intel/Nvidia pairing for now.  I realize that PhysX seems superflouous  but with since UDK just got released I"m on a bit of an Unreal Engine 3 binge.

The 275GTX is currently the best hi-performance cost-to-performance single-GPU nVIDIA card; it comes in just under a hair to the 285GTX (280 is being phased out) and sometimes matches it in performance.
Super Turbo Deluxe Custom said:
This analogy may be dated (it about 15 years old).  A friend once told me that R2-D2 was like DOS.  It's really hard to understand, but it can do anything.  CP-30 is like an Apple.  It's user friendly but just sucks.

Then maybe Windows is like the Death Star... seemingly all-powerful, but one well-placed torpedo and the whole thing goes boom.
Volitions Advocate said:
I picked the 275 because the 295 is about twice as much.  I never go for the top of the list stuff because the prices tend to logarithmic.  I also used to be a huge ATI supporter but once they merged with AMD they kind of fell behind a bit.  I realize that now they've caught back up, but as far as I've been able to tell there isn't any difference in price point.  It used to be get the ATI card if you wanted to save some money and support the underdog.  but they're charging just as much as Nvidia now.  And SLI seems to be a little more reliable than Crossfire (if the forums are to be believed) and with the added benefit of physx I think I'll stick with the Intel/Nvidia pairing for now.  I realize that PhysX seems superflouous  but with since UDK just got released I"m on a bit of an Unreal Engine 3 binge.

From the Anandtech review of the HD5850 (Conclusion page):

One thing that’s very clear in these benchmarks is that as things currently stand, the 5850 has made the GTX 285 irrelevant (again). The 5850 is anywhere between 9% and 16% faster depending on the resolution, cheaper by at least $35 as of Tuesday morning (with everything besides a single BFG model going for +$70 or more), and features DirectX11. The 5850 is a card that manages to – if at times barely – outclass the GTX285 in performance. If you’ve been waiting for a price shakeup, this is what you’ve been waiting for.

If multi-GPU performance is important, check out which solution scales the best in the games/engines you are most interested in. Many games are awful at it, some excel, it differs pretty wildly. For me, CF/SLI would not be worth the money and hassle. It could be useful to remember that the HD5xxx cards will have a much longer lifespan than nVidias current lineup has left in terms of supported technology (DX11 vs DX10 for example).

And the rest of the standard blah blah blah, video cards are never as expensive as at launch, better to wait for cards with aftermarket cooling solutions, all cards are outclassed at their price point in a year and made irrelevant in two, etc :)
At the moment I"m toting a Geforce 8800GT.

What would be great would be a Radeon HD 5xxx series (if they are cheaper) and use the geforce for dedicated physics.  Too bad ati and nvidia can't coexist on the same machine.  I understand the drivers hate each other?
Actually, many people do just that! Not sure how it's done (I've never had the hardware to try), but do a Google search and I'm sure you'll find plenty of instructions :)

Edit: And since this ended up on another page, the above was was in reply to...

What would be great would be a Radeon HD 5xxx series (if they are cheaper) and use the geforce for dedicated physics.  Too bad ati and nvidia can't coexist on the same machine.  I understand the drivers hate each other?
I like Apple and iPod, but
Apple computers are too expensive
iPods die too soon
As such, I remain in the Microsoft / Creative player world.
My Dell laptop is reliable and relatively cheap and my creative player has worked for years.
Rick said:
As such, I remain in the Microsoft / Creative player world.

Normally I sit out flame wars, but...

The Zunes were terrible for bricking.  Nice player, if it lasted more than a few months...I'll stick with my iPods.
Zune is not the same as Creative.  Creative = good, Zune = crappy.  Like I said before.  Within my family we have a 4, 3, and 2 year old Creative mps3 players, and have not had a major problem with any one of them in basic operation or when we've got them hooked up to the computer with the software, not even the 4 year old one.  And I can attest to the fact that all three of them have been accidentally dropped at least twice.  Drop your iPod a few times and tell me if it still works. 
I use a Sony Walkman, It's been working fine, dropped it many many many times.  It's also small.  But it sync's perfectly to my PS3, which DOES NOT like ipods.  We tried.

Personally  If I were to get another MP3 player I would get this:

I used to want a high capacity Ipod classic, but when i saw this thing in action I changed my mind really fast.  You should see what it does.  Mind you it's not a conventional MP3 player and I'm sure its not as easy to sync as an ipod, but I have no experience with that side of it.
iPods work on PS3, but it's a major pain in the ass to find specific songs because of the directory structures it uses - on a 160gb, I wouldn't even bother. 

Creative makes some damn nice players - I used a Zen Micro for a few months a few years back and liked it alot, but once I drank the iPod kool-aid I sold it...I will say that I despise how Apple tries to lock you into iTunes to manage it though.  The plug-in for Winamp works decently, although it's kind of a pain that you have to have a workaround to begin with.  If you drop pretty much any hdd mp3 player it's gonna have problems, that's not an iPod exclusive.  I've dropped my 3g nano quite a few times in a drunken stupor and it doesn't miss a beat.  Right now I've got the 8gb nano and a 160gb classic just because I hate not having a song with me if I want to hear it...but the 320gb archos 7 is looking pretty wickedly tempting...
I've had a couple of creatives and now rock a sansa fuze, 8gb plus 8gb SD card, every single day on the subway. It reads all kinds of music files, doesn't default to a stupid encryption thingy, doesn't lock me into any one store, works with any media player I've seen, sounds great, looks great, and costs half an ipod mini. Plus I can get a 16gb SD card, swap for the 8gb one in there now, and go to 24gb total without buying a new player. My wife's ipod touch does all kinds of useless things I (and she) would never use and it cost 4x as much.
The Touch is hella-cool tho.  But in a way that a Core i7 is cool to some people...if you jailbreak a touch and check out all the apps, it's just plain cool.  Alot of useless crap on that store, but there are a lot of decent apps as well.
No it's not - I spend all day looking at a computer screen, why would I want to spend my time on the subway looking at a little tiny computer screen because of some "animal farts ringtones" app. I just want something that does a great job playing my tunes, with a long battery life and small size. I've never even taken a single picture with my cell phone's camera, either. Yes I'm a grumpy gus.
I don't even have a cellphone.

And I got an ipod nano a few years ago. I thought 4 gigs would be plenty. Nope. Not anymore. I've got around 20 or so gigs of music now.
Zune for my music.  Cell phone for calls.  Just the other day we needed to plug an iPod, Zune, MP3 player into our PA.  One person had an iPhone, but she said, "No way.  I'm not leaving my phone there."  Separate is good.
D0000d... I rawk my tunes with this:


The stereo sound is totally savory.
I used to have a CD Walkman (it's still around somewhere). It was even a corner stone in my home stereo for several years, with surprisingly decent sound for the size. Currently I'm sorta pining for an iPhone, because I *would* use the apps/games etc, I don't work with computers.
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Apple innovation.