half way through my finishing process, on my body and neck, my first attempt at building so its been quiet a journey, but im really happy with the result. the body is Queensland maple drop top (I'm Australian) and African cherry underneath. i have chambered the body for a little weight relief. i stained the top with colortone from stewmac and finishing the whole thing with tru oil. the neck's wenge with an ebony board, it does take the tru oil, you just need to let it cure alot longer, i leave around a day and a half between coats, it looses its tack when its ready for another, sand with 2000 between.
hardware to come:
2 push/pull for series/parallel and a 3 way toggle
hipshot fixed bridge
planet waves locking
brierley custom wound pickups
hardware to come:
2 push/pull for series/parallel and a 3 way toggle
hipshot fixed bridge
planet waves locking
brierley custom wound pickups