
Crazy California

line6man said:
exaN said:
You have fireplaces in California?? Didn't know it could get that cold lol.

Years ago, I lived in a house with four fireplaces. Only three of them were ever used, though.
Fireplaces are pretty useless in CA though. As I've stated before, I have never seen snow in my life, and I'm freezing my ass off at anything below 50 degrees. :blob7:

Haha really, it was just the Canadian in me speaking :P.
Super Turbo Deluxe Custom said:
line6man said:
Or you could just poison the grease. :dontknow:

As you know, "Bacon is good for me!"

Gary, I've been nice to you, but now I'm coming to the edge. I had a very very calm day until this!
I understand they have a hard time resisting drinking anti-freeze. Not sure why, but it's inexpensive and it definitely takes 'em out. Not immediately - takes 4 or 5 days - but they're dead just the same and it looks like natural causes (it's actually kidney failure). It doesn't take much - 4 or 5 tablespoons will take out a good-sized dog. So, you put a little bowl of it out where they're known to hang out and let nature take its course.
hannaugh said:
I used to be proud and happy that I lived in California.  Nowadays, like lots and lots of businesses and other taxpayers, I can't wait to get out of this state before it completely implodes from total fiscal and regulatory insanity.  I'm sure when I come back to visit 10 years after I leave, there will only be extremely wealthy people and the illegal immigrants who work for them left because hardly anyone else will have a job.

I knew I was in a bad situation when I intervened on coyotes attacking my dog twice, and animal control told me that if I did anything that harmed or relocated the coyotes that were living in my neighbor's empty lot, that I would be breaking the law (even if they were directly attacking me, my family, or my animals).  I can actually shoot a person in self defense and it's justifiable, but if I shoot a coyote, I can look forward to huge fines and possibly jail time.  A place that puts the rights of animals over the rights of people is not a good place to live. 

We don't have any of this crap here in Scotland, over the last 4-5 years since the last election that got the SNP elected they have done amazing things like demolish the bridge tolls and save a bunch of hospitals from getting demolished. Now the god damn conservatives elected in England have cut the Scottish budget by like 5 billion or something to get rid of this deficit.

In France they are planning on raising the retirement age from 60-62, and the whole bloody country is protesting, they all went on strike and it shut the fuel refineries and power-stations down. We get our retirement age put up to 66 and we sit back and take it. People need to stop bitching on Warmoth and go out and do something about it. Take a lesson from the French.

hannaugh, Take the law into your own hands, its the only way to get anything done. They have to prove you were involved to do anything about it.
I live in Ottawa, which is the capital of Canada.  It's not as bad as California, but there are some strange ass rules about stuff.

Once I had to get a 12 tonne AC unit installed on top of a building that was right down town.  To legally get the crane there, I had to get the city to agree to close a major downtown street for a morning.  This was a paperwork and timing nightmare.  And I needed to get the AC unit there in a week.

I got around it by getting the crane to show up at 3am.  We hoisted the sucker onto the roof in 15 minutes, the crane left, and no one was the wiser.

That's how you get things done.
Cagey said:
I understand they have a hard time resisting drinking anti-freeze. Not sure why, but it's inexpensive and it definitely takes 'em out.

Anti-freeze is a danger to animals and young children because it has a very sweet taste, which could be mistaken for food/drink.
I've tasted it before, I can totally see why a child or animal would want to drink it.
line6man said:
Cagey said:
I understand they have a hard time resisting drinking anti-freeze. Not sure why, but it's inexpensive and it definitely takes 'em out.

Anti-freeze is a danger to animals and young children because it has a very sweet taste, which could be mistaken for food/drink.
I've tasted it before, I can totally see why a child or animal would want to drink it.
I see it didn't work.  :doh:

Also... ^California in action  :laughing7:
DocNrock said:
Where does most of our electricity come from?  Burning coal!  CARB also recently passed a law prohibiting the use of UNLEADED race gas in street sports cars that are tracked on occasion.  We are becoming the People's Republic of Khalifornia.

In the mid to late 90s, most of the bikes on a Motocross track were 2-strokes.  There just weren't any competitive 4-strokes.  Not that they couldn't be, but that's not where the developement was.  Most of the existing off-raod 4-strokes were for the beginer or joy rider.  They were heavier, air cooled, drum braked, and had shorter travel and ground clearance than their 2-stroke counterparts.  Rumor had it that California was going to ban 2-stroke motors because of emission issues, everything from dirtbikes to weedeaters.  California was such a big market, if not the biggest, rather than move on exclude them in sales and competition, money started going into making 4-strokes more competitive.  KTM was kind of already doing it, but the big 4 Japanese manufacturers got into it too.  Now, 10+ years later, you'd never know that they didn't always make 4-strokes and make them well.  The industry didn't miss a beat and is bigger than it has ever been.  I hate to hear stories of the government forcing change on an unwilling market or group of enthusiasts, but it's a fine example of crossing a bridge when you get to it.  There's almost twice as many people on the planet as there was in the late 60s.  The times they are a changin', but in many ways they never stopped changing.  Rather than completely stop doing things, we'll have to change the way we do them.  In the guitar world, we're starting to see that with exotic wood legislation.  When I was a kid, my dad used to poor used motor oil in the alley along the fence line so he wouldn't have to weed eat.  He wouldn't dream of that now.  It's just something he didn't think about then.  It was also a hassle to recycle it then.  Not so now.  A change for the better, most definitely.  Can one adapt to no longer using race gas?  Sure you may not like it, but watch what the developement is going to do to compensate.   
Unfortunately, a lot of large businesses opt to simply leave the state instead of trying to change, which is why our unemployment rate is already terrible and projected to get much worse. 