
Crazy Blue Flame Maple Strat! - FINISHED!!!

Alright so LT1439 is gone, of course. They just posted a bunch of new tops yesterday, but I wasn't impressed.

There is one that's been there for a while, looks pretty nice to me: LT1437.

Tell me what you think!


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Here's the thing. I do like LT1437, but I just can't decide if I should wait, and something better will come up in a few days, or if I should just go with it.

Last time I tried waiting, they updated the Unique Choice section with a bunch of shitty tops. I can't wait forever! It's just adding on to the to month wait that is already ahead.

I just need someone to tell me if they think this top will look good or not. Should I wait or go?

Thank you all.
Get it ordered or you will wait forever.

It will look way better and exceed your expectations when you open the box, and then you can post some out of the box photos.
Alright, thanks. New question(s)!

1. Pots? I'm currently planning on going with a 250k Push-Push pot that will activate the neck (or bridge?) pickup whenever it is pushed. http://www.warmoth.com/Push-Push-Pot-250k-with-DPDT-Switch-On-On-P731C74.aspx#tabs
Then, two CTS 250k pots for the tone knobs. Sound good?

2. Shielding? I am planning on getting this copper shielding kit from StewMac: http://www.stewmac.com/shop/Electronics,_pickups/Supplies:_Shielding/Self-adhesive_Shielding_Kit.html
Will that cover enough for good shielding?

3. Screws/extras? Alright, so I'm assuming there are no screws included with the pickguard and term cover from Warmoth, correct? So I need this: http://www.stewmac.com/shop/Hardware,_parts/Electric_guitar:_Screws_springs/Pickguard_Screws_for_Fender.html
And is it really necessary to have a "neck plate pad, or cushion"? That black piece of plastic?
And will this work?: http://www.greasygroove.com/proddetail.php?prod=4138-NP-M-C-M-MI

Thank you!
1. Always use 500K audio (log) taper pots.
2. Forget about shielding cavities - it's a waste of time/money. Use shielded cable.
3. Assume nothing comes with screws. Buy what you need.
4. Neck plate protectors are not necessary and do nothing for you, but some folks like to use them to protect the finish. From what is unclear. They're $3 or $4, so do what you want.

So you're saying I should get 500k pots for just volume? Or volume, AND tones?
Don't most people put 250k pots on strats? These are P90s, so would that affect this?
I put 500K pots on everything. But, it's up to you. The higher value presents less of a load to the pickup(s), so you don't lose as much high end. You might not care for that response curve. To my way of thinking, I'd rather have it and not need it than need it and not have it. You can always knock back the treble on your amp/effects, but if it's not there in the first place, there's nowhere to get it.
Well, based on your opinion and a little internet research, I'll go with the 500k's.

And I almost forgot! What do I do about a capacitor? Do I need 1 or 2, and I have no idea where to even start?
Generally speaking, you only need one. Myself, I install .022µF ceramic parts, but any part of that capacity will work. Some folks go as high as .047µF, but they cut off so severely that I can't see the point.

You can install mylar or poly or oil/paper caps, but they don't make any difference. The capacitance is the thing. Throwing money at high-voltage parts is a waste of good money that you could use to buy beer. Or, Raisinets. Or strange <grin>

You might want to install a second cap across the volume pot, often called a "treble bleed". Usually about .001µF will do. Keeps the tone clear as you turn down the volume. You can read more about such things here.
Don't forget Cagey is about 900 years old (it might be 901 actually, I'm not sure when his birthday is), so the high frequencies affected by the pot choice might actually be inaudible to him by now anyway. (I think my own hearing tops out at about 18kHz these days.) Plus he puts JB humbuckers in guitars, and they have way less highs than a PAF type pickup, so... where's the "best to have it and not need it" thing going there?

I still use 250K pots on single coils, single-coil-sized stacks, and sometimes, depending on what I'm after, on single-coil-sized side-by-side humbuckers. And probably every Strat you've ever heard on record and thought "that sounds amazing" had 250K pots in it too.

My only actual advice would be to try both so you have your own idea of the difference in sound. Neither is superior to the other, you just need to know what the choice means to your ears, so that you are informed when you make it. Text on the internet will only take you so far.

Having said that, it's quit a minor factor in the overall sound of your rig, and I'm pretty sure if you were to switch from 250K to 500K, your audience wouldn't know.
900?!? I'm not a minute over 850!

My hearing is excellent, though. Eyes could be better, as well as muscle tone, but I'm fairly sure I'll survive the year. I've got things to do, people to see, places to go.

Regardless of whether or not I could hear it, the advice stands - you don't want to eliminate frequencies as a matter of course. Filter them out after the fact if you must, but why cripple the instrument?
Methuselah lived nine hundred years
Methuselah lived nine hundred years
But who calls that livin'
When no gal is givin'
To no man... what's nine hundred years?
JoshHPMusic said:
I'm gonna go with 500k.

What else would I need a tone pot for?  :dontknow:

You don't want your guitar dismissed as a jangling noise machine, so...


Yeah, thanks! See, Clapton also knows how useful a tone control can be!  :icon_biggrin:

So I ordered just about all the parts: electronics, shielding (sorry Kevin), headstock paint, Fender satin silver decal, custom neck plate, and of course, a nice Gator case!

I also decided to go with a Tremol-no, to be installed during the assembly, so I can choose when I want a floating, dive-only, or stop-tail bridge. Seems pretty cool to me!

Check the attachments for my StewMac order. This is not the only order though!



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