
Completed Strat - First Build

Yeah, I wasn't too serious about actually replacing....its more for my knowledge of what can be done.  
The block replacement does sound beneficial though, thanks for that link Tipper-
Cagey said:
SixString said:
Tipperman said:
SixString, you can keep the studs and bridge in place. Look underneath the saddles by the Intonation screws at the back on the bridge. THere are three large screw. Unscrew these and the bridge block will come off. The Callaham bridge block will fit right in there. Shoot Bill Callaham an email or give him a call, he can tell you all about it. But you don't need to pull the studs out, which is great news.  :occasion14:

Thanks dude, I was curious about that too...  But I was actually referring to replacing the entire bridge (if I wanted to replace with a black one).

Changing colors isn't going to change mechanics. But, going to black is almost always an improvement <grin>

If you're going to change manufacturers or models of bridge, then you need to do some research. There is no "standard" post spacing, per se. Some are more forgiving than others, so close enough is good enough. Others, not so much. Gotta be spot-on, or the bridge won't install. Also, you have to be careful about bridges that look very similar and seem like they should work, but are machined in metric vs. SAE or imperial dimensions. For example, many of the inexpensive parts sourced from the Pacific Rim are willfully metric parts these days. By "willfully", I mean they're dimensioned that way on purpose, since almost all parts come from there anyway. But, the suppliers will make parts with SAE dimensions to satisfy ancient US traditions, while making the same parts to satisfy the rest of the world in metric sizes. Unfortunately, not all vendors make the distinction. So, even little things like the switch tips on Strat/Tele pickup selectors can be different enough that they won't mutually install.

Thanks for the info!
Cagey said:
Changing colors isn't going to change mechanics. But, going to black is almost always an improvement <grin>

A marked improvement in my case, let me tell you! But back to guitars...

I think the guitar looks cool the way it is, because there is a light/dark contrast on both the headstock and the body - they just happen to be inverted from each other. Black bridge would have been a bit too dark and the pickups would have looked really out of place. Well, in my opinion anyway - congrats on the new guitar!