
Circuit diagram for coil splits, Phase and blower switch?

Thanks for all this work!


I'll shall study the wiring, and see if I can get my little brain around it. Wish I'd actually paid attention in A level physics now.
I have been down this road before, as have many others on here. Lots of knobs switches etc...trying to get all the possible tones out of your guitar. What most of us have ended up doing is going back to simple wiring designs. I now set my guitars with usually 1 pickup and 1 volume, not even a tone knob. If I want different tones I build more guitars.

I once built a pickup with three taps per coil, and phase reversing, took 16 toggles to switch it all, in the end I was proud of my accomplishment, but ultimately it was a nightmare to remember what did what, I ended up running it at full throttle anyway.

So while it's important for you to go through the motions of as many options as possible, don't be surprised when you realize simple is best. IMHO
Yeah, the split has to come before the bypass. I couldn't think of a way for the bypass to also ensure the pickup's series connection. You'd just have to be careful to not have the bridge split on when you hit the bypass, unless you want a lot of noise and a very, very shrill tone.

But yeah, I'm the same; tried lots of different switches on all sorts of guitars, and now my main guitar is simply a Les Paul Junior with one humbucker and one volume control. Hell, one of my guitars doesn't even have a volume pot. I've still got a bunch of guitars with many switches and multiple pickups, but god knows I just can't be bothered to remember which one does what. :icon_biggrin:
Well I'd normally agree, but although the SG tone is so muffled and lifeless warm and dark it makes a nice jazz guitar, but for sounding like Pete Townshend at Woodstock  :party07: it a no-go. And the wiring I'm going for will be stock with all the knobs down.

Maybe I could just get a SG with P90s, but where the fun in that? :icon_scratch:

Now if I could build one, Single P90 in the bridge position... Maple body and neck, neon purple trans finish, Hmm.. that Diamondback's not that much thicker than a normal SG is it?  ???
amigarobbo said:
Maybe I could just get a SG with P90s, but where the fun in that? :icon_scratch:

THE FUN IN THAT IS EVERYWHERE.  P-90's going KERRANG is one of the finest feelings in the electric guitar universe.

That is all.

NB:  Yes, I know it was a joking rhetorical question.  But the truth remains. Blazing soapbars = awesome sauce.
Also I should point out at the moment the pickups have been wired to the wrong volume control, Gibson/Epiphone Quality control  :icon_thumright:  and the pots crackle like bacon even after cleaning them. So it's all going to be taken out, and it's not that much more to add a lot more functionally to it.
Y'know, Gibson did make an all-maple SG as part of the Raw Power series a couple of years ago. Also, Gibson SGs are mucher brighter-toned than Epiphone SGs, even when you equalise all the electronics and hardware. Something about the Epiphone's thicker neck, thicker finish, and the ''mahogany'' they use.

If you've got this guitar sat around already then yeah, may as well hack it up and modify it. But if a top SG is something you really want, the new 2016 Gibsons are pretty cheap, a second hand Raw Power SG would give you more brightness than you could ever possibly want, there's the ESP Viper line (which the Warmoth Diamondback copies), and there are parts/kit companies which do make 'proper' set-neck SG bodies and necks; Precision can do you a single P90, maple-neck SG, and it won't be a wonky shape.
Bagman67 said:
amigarobbo said:
Maybe I could just get a SG with P90s, but where the fun in that? :icon_scratch:

THE FUN IN THAT IS EVERYWHERE.  P-90's going KERRANG is one of the finest feelings in the electric guitar universe.

That is all.

NB:  Yes, I know it was a joking rhetorical question.  But the truth remains. Blazing soapbars = awesome sauce.

Of course, our Tony just did this:



Same model as mine.
Ace Flibble said:
Well I think I've done it. I think.

Once again, I've left this way too late in the day (it's actually 1:06am here), but I said I'd do it so here's a scrappy attempt at illustrating how it could be wired. I don't typically use diagrams myself, as I just wire everything off the top of my head/by heart, so I do not pretend to be an expert at drawing these things. I thought I keyed out enough colours to handle everything, but it turns out I didn't. Balls.

I've used Seymour Duncan colours, as they're what I've installed most often. The SD site has a handy guide to how all the pickup wire colours translate between manufacturers, and I've put in a key and labels to hopefully better explain my shoddy drawing.

Both pickups can be split, neck pickup can have the phase changed, and the bypass should send the bridge straight to the jack, ignoring everything else.

I've probably overlooked something really basic, but for someone with a severe head cold, crippling nerve pain and awake at 1am, I think this should work.

... I fully expect at least four people to each point out at least five things that are wrong with this.

Well, I gave up, gave the guitar and your plan to an expert, and it's all back and working how I wanted it to!  :party07:

So many, many thanks for the destructions instructions and support!