The lower row of switches on the MFC-101 are labelled for scene selection, but that's just laziness on my part. Haven't changed the labels yet. The Boss FS-6 external switches are actually what do the scene selection. The 4 Mission Eng. CC pedals are for Volume, Wah, Rate and Pitch. Rate is for flange/phase/delay timing and pitch (for "whammy" effect) is the only one spring-loaded. The Fretlight switch doesn't belong on there and isn't attached. I think I just set it there some time back when I was vacuuming the floor and haven't moved it since.
The whole thing is built on a piece of architectural panel that's a sandwich of 1/4" lexan between two pieces of aluminum sheet. You see that material used in place of glass on tall building exteriors between floors or around the roofline to hide HVAC mechanicals and so forth. Anyway, I removed the feet from the various devices, drilled holes in the panel to match the foot hole patterns under the devices, used longer screws and bolted them all to the panel. Then, the whole panel is bolted into the flight case with some 1/4-20 machine screws.
case itself comes from Rondo. I don't think it actually qualifies as a "flight case", but it's pretty sturdy and works for me.
No power or audio signal to/from/on the board - everything runs off the MIDI cable you see in the upper left corner, so hookup is fast and easy, and there's no way to pickup any interference. With no power on the board, I had to modify the FS-6 switches to include a power switch so I can turn the internal batteries on/off. Otherwise, they're designed to switch off the cable input, which was never going to get unplugged in this application.
It all works well, but it's kind of a heavy little rascal. I haven't weighed it exactly, but I think it's around 40 pounds.