
Canada 150


Epic Member
I think that this image best symbolizes the spirit of the Canadian people during this anniversary of our great country.


Happy 150 everyone!

Happy anniversary!

While I'm a 2nd generation US citizen, all my grandparents on both sides were dual US/Canadian citizens. Great grandparents were Canadian, but I'm not sure if they were natives or naturalized immigrants. So, I do have some "nice" blood in me... somewhere...
Congrats Canada! You're older than we are over in Australia  :icon_biggrin:
There are more than a few Australians who'd assert that Canada is about 50,000 years younger than their nation.

Wishing you all a great celebration. It's been far too long since I came over to visit.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY CANADA!!!! I hope all me Canadian Brothers and Sisters have a great and safe holiday! To celebrate in my own way, I'll drink an ice cold Molson's Golden and listen to my girl Joni Mitchell, followed by a little Lightfoot. Congratulations Canada!
We really couldn't have nicer people for next door neighbors.  Congratulations up there!  Have a great time celebrating.  And thank you for keeping us honest down here by showing us how real class relates to the rest of the world.  We definitely have something to learn from you.

But be warned, my brother is now a Canadian resident and citizen.  We're diluting your brand.