
Bullet truss rod option

I would defiantly love to see a bullet truss rod option in the future to go with the CBS headstocks, or any headstock in that case. The more options the better, yay! :hello2:
I definitely don't want to see people building guitars with those ugly things. :sad:
I'm personally not a fan.  I lived through the bad years (70's and 80's) for Fenders and the bullet truss rod to me screams "crappy quality".
mayfly said:
I'm personally not a fan.  I lived through the bad years (70's and 80's) for Fenders and the bullet truss rod to me screams "crappy quality".

+1 for me too, unfortunately...... it's hard to shake prejudices that you've established based upon bad experiences.  :sad1:
How 'bout a bullet trussrod for the side adjust?  :dontknow:

j/k :toothy12: :laughing11:
I second this option. i hate adjusting the truss rod anywhere but the headstock, and i always leave the truss rod cover off on any guitar i own, so have a bullet trust rod adjuster would be great for me
dNA said:
I second this option. i hate adjusting the truss rod anywhere but the headstock, and i always leave the truss rod cover off on any guitar i own, so have a bullet trust rod adjuster would be great for me

How about a spokewheel adjuster?
Super Turbo Deluxe Custom said:
line6man said:
dNA said:
I second this option. i hate adjusting the truss rod anywhere but the headstock, and i always leave the truss rod cover off on any guitar i own, so have a bullet trust rod adjuster would be great for me

How about a spokewheel adjuster?

Like the EBMMs?  I like those too.

I believe that Roger Sadowsky feels that heel-adjusting truss rods are a superior neck design, and that's why he likes spokewheels, though I may be wrong