Brand new Warmoth body: The Dinkycaster!!

Looks great, just curious though ... does it go into a jazzmaster or strat case? Looks to me like I can modify a strat case to make it fit. It's a much better shape than a strat. This one will be around a long time. Congrats on your new addition!
Any details on controls for the rear routs. Is it the same as the pickguard orientation?

I looked in the builder and the control layouts page and did not see anything apart from the adapted Strat layout but of course, it is early days.
Any details on controls for the rear routs. Is it the same as the pickguard orientation?

I looked in the builder and the control layouts page and did not see anything, but of course, it is early days.

Rear rout control config is basically VIP controls. If you go through the builder you can see them.
Definitely will purchase one in the future. Right now waiting for a VIP that I ordered.

It would be cool to see a strat next one of these to show a comparison.