
Beater Tele

My wife's uncle runs a music related business you may have heard of (not guitar related) - they do a bit of volume. When I was doing manufacturing engineering, I asked him why he didn't do his own powder coating, and he said "I can't do it for what my powder coat guy charges me."  Not only is there the cost of the setup & materials, batch size matters. Batching up a month's worth of product at a time for the oven also introduces a big snag point in the supply chain. You have a ton of product sitting around in the pipeline, if your powder supplier is late you can get really screwed up...

There's a lot that goes into running a business, especially a manufacturing business, that easily escapes the casual observer thinking 'what's so hard about it - all you gotta do is...'
swarfrat said:
My wife's uncle runs a music related business you may have heard of (not guitar related) - they do a bit of volume. When I was doing manufacturing engineering, I asked him why he didn't do his own powder coating, and he said "I can't do it for what my powder coat guy charges me."  Not only is there the cost of the setup & materials, batch size matters. Batching up a month's worth of product at a time for the oven also introduces a big snag point in the supply chain. You have a ton of product sitting around in the pipeline, if your powder supplier is late you can get really screwed up...

There's a lot that goes into running a business, especially a manufacturing business, that easily escapes the casual observer thinking 'what's so hard about it - all you gotta do is...'

Quite true. Their are always problems lurking in the shadows. Heck, just to start a business you better figure on not making a profit for quite a few years. Then hope that the Gov. doesn't legislate you right out of business.
Interesting jackplate. Can't say I've seen anything like it before...

Incidentlly, the code for that image looks like this...

Cagey said:
Incidentlly, the code for that image looks like this...


OK, so what did I do wrong?

The jack plate is a concho, like they use on saddles or leather belts. Just drilled a few hole and called it done.
Not sure exactly what was wrong, I screwed it up before I fixed it.

Dammit, now I can't even find the original post. Here it is, so the links aren't lost...

This here Beaudreau. He Cajun. His owner, Cousin Montreau, he play in a band what called the Shrimp Slappers, they do Punk and Zydeco, down at the roadhouse just outside Thibodaux LA. You got to go see 'em, ya'll aint heard nothin' til you heard the New York Dolls played on accordian. Blow you away.

Anywho, Beaudreau ain't no fancy pants or showcase model, he just a workin' class Tele. He got him a few bumps and scrapes, nicks an scatches, he gettin a little on in years, but he do fine. He seen a few fights. Seen beer, sweat and gumbo spilled on 'im. But he wear his scars with pride.
Cousin Montreau got him a big ol' belt buckle wit' a gator on it. He won it in a fishin' contest. Beaudreau hate that buckle...

He keep him a picture of Marie LeVeau close by to ward off what evil spirits be in the bayou. An he got him his lucky silver d


Please forgive the pictures, my photography skills rank right below Stevie Wonders.
Now I just tried to quote you and say thanks and it removed your pictures and showed them in the quote.       
I'm going to take my hands off it for a bit until you've settled on what you want to display. I think I'm doing more harm than good somehow.
Cagey said:
I'm going to take my hands off it for a bit until you've settled on what you want to display. I think I'm doing more harm than good somehow.

I'm done. It was probably me screwing it up so I'll call it done and be happy.
Cagey said:
Too many cooks in the kitchen, I suspect. Confused the editor.

Probably. When I started out I had the forum open in Opera, and imageshack open in firefox. I created the post, put the first lines of text, the click the hyperlink icon and copied the link from imageshack. Then continued on doing the same till I was done. But when I posted it it just showed the links not the pict's. I'll assume thats not the proper way to do it. :dontknow:
I would think that would work, but I made such a code soup out of the post before I got it to work that I can't remember exactly where the syntax was wrong. Started to panic, thinking I'd lost links, etc.
Ok folks, now that we've entertained you all sufficiently, let me just amend this by saying that this is what the Beater Tele has ended up as.
Basically, it's my tribute to bar band instruments. I spent a number of years doing repair work for guitarists that played in everything from nightclubs in the city to small town bars. I saw some interesting instruments, and a fair portion of them looked a lot like this.