My wife's uncle runs a music related business you may have heard of (not guitar related) - they do a bit of volume. When I was doing manufacturing engineering, I asked him why he didn't do his own powder coating, and he said "I can't do it for what my powder coat guy charges me." Not only is there the cost of the setup & materials, batch size matters. Batching up a month's worth of product at a time for the oven also introduces a big snag point in the supply chain. You have a ton of product sitting around in the pipeline, if your powder supplier is late you can get really screwed up...
There's a lot that goes into running a business, especially a manufacturing business, that easily escapes the casual observer thinking 'what's so hard about it - all you gotta do is...'
There's a lot that goes into running a business, especially a manufacturing business, that easily escapes the casual observer thinking 'what's so hard about it - all you gotta do is...'