Bass Wah / Bass Synth Plugin


Senior Member
Hi, I need some suggestions.

I'm currently running my rig as an hybrid with real pedals (for comp, overdrive and Sansamp) but for effects that I use only sparingly, i use my computer (Running Mainstage). I use this mainly for gigs.

So far, I have decent sounds with Mainstage built-in effects for Envelope Filter, and more than decent for Octaver, detuner, delay. And I really TAL-Chorus-LX which is a Juno chorus emulation.

What I miss is a decent wah plugin (the ones included with mainstage are very thin) that works well with bass (à la Dunlop Bass Wah).

I'd also enjoyed a good bass synth plugin (kind of boss SYB-5 or like), even if I can get a pretty good synth sound when combining octaver/envelope/chorus. I thought of bringing a keyboard controller for this purpose, but often, stage place is too limited for this.

Any suggestion of good plugins (must be AU) that you tried for Wah or Bass synth? Any other fun suggestions are welcome of course. (It does not have to be free).

I bought these awhile back to start building my digital rig for guitar.  Planned on using them within Max/MSP for my signal chain.
They require a login to activate if I remember correctly, but do not require a usb dongle like some do.  Comes in VST or AU.

You can download a demo and try them out (I think, it's been awhile).  If you look into each plugin you'll see there's a lot more than just whats on the tin.  ie. the Tremolo also includes a step-sequenced slicer and a panner if you're playing in stereo, the Granular synth would work pretty swell on bass. The EQ doubles as the wah, and the delay also has a step sequencer for echo if you like.  Everything is midi compatible so there's a lot of flexibility there. I intended to use them live once I got my rig all figured out and programmed everything in the way I like it.