Band name suggestions


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I'm getting married in September and my old band from the 1970s is reuniting to play the night before in a restaurant near by. We played for my 50th birthday party in February under the name Geezer. My fiance doesn't like the name, go figure. I belong to a few other guitar forums and this one is my favorite with a bunch of sharp people on it so I thought I'd do what someone did on the Fender site and ask for band name suggestions. Please help. I'll play a 6 string Warmoth and the Bass player will play a Warmoth bass - so this is legit.
A few specs: We are all in our late 40s to early 50s in age and will play mostly covers - British rock from the 60s and 70s as well as some new stuff like Green Day, U2, Foo Fighters and 3 originals.
I know there will be plenty of smart allecky suggestions but I guess that's the risk.
haha, just to wind her up i'd call the band, A band name that (insert your other halfs name here) likes.
elfro89 said:
haha, just to wind her up i'd call the band, A band name that (insert your other halfs name here) likes.

Yea I tried Keith Urban and John Mayer. Didn't fly.

Thanks for the suggestions, there are some good ones. Keep em coming.
Dave Barry used to come up with a lot them that were pretty funny, but they tended to follow the '50s convention of "[someone] and the [somethings]". But, if you look at most of the successful bands, their names didn't mean jack, made no sense, and didn't apply to anything. That says something <grin>

So, following in the grand tradition of meaningless collections of words that you could build a story around if you had to... say if a heavily salivating reporter were to ask...

Sequence Override
Glide Point
Rising Clock
Transition State
Acute Point
Freddy Fart and the Constipated Four
Fresh Candy
Try Glycerides

Oh, yeah. And the best one...

The Beatles.

That one always works. Lots of bands have used it <grin>
Death by Uberschall said:
The Classic Rockers


The Grateful Not-Quite-Dead featuring Geriatric Garcia

KISS Army Veterans

The Mamas and the Grampas

The Retired Police

The Sex Fossils

Crosby, Stills, Nash & Old

The Senior Citizens Band (CB radio is short for citizens' band radio)

Everlong in the Tooth (for your Foo Fighters covers)

Pensioner (instead of Foreigner, ok that one's a stretch)