
Art (as in visual art)


Hero Member
Hey guys, I've been wondering if anyone else here had an interest in visual arts.

I'm currently studying fine arts and loving it. Could be nice to share some artworks.

Here's a couple works of mine (links only because this could get heavy):

That would be it for now, might add some more later.
Those are cool.  What medium are they?  

Uhhh, here's one I just finished.  His name is Charlie, he's a funny dog.  Watercolor on cold pressed paper.  


I'm working on a clay sculpture of a sea monster right now with my Advanced kids.  I should post that when it's done. 
Thanks!  Watercolor is my favorite medium.  I've been painting for 10 years now. 

I teach beginning and advanced drawing and painting for theater, beginning and intermediate theatrical makeup, and my advanced class is theatrical makeup/special effects/props/puppets.  It's at a private high school for the arts.  We're building a sea monster for that last class, so I'm showing them how to sculpt maquettes right now.  I mostly just do graphite and watercolor, but I like sculpture a lot too. 

It's funny, I spent all this time going to college so I could be a monster designer for the movies or stage, but now I'd really rather just paint all day or work with these awesome kids. 

Are you planning on going into design/graphics or fine art? 
I'm not formally trained, but I have been in love with pen and ink since my early teens.  I'll try to post some of my amateurish stuff soon.  BTW, you are both quite talented.  If I had my way, I'd see every single art museum in the world, they are some of my favorite places.
Nice guys. I especially love your canyon-whatever one, exaN. I wish I had some talent at art. I'm more than happy to break out some watercolors and paint a 4-year-old-quality picture so I love seeing great-looking stuff that people have painted.
Wow!! Nice works from you both!

I used to draw a lot untill 12-13 years old and usually people said that I draw well... thinking in start again, perhaps to make tattoos :)
Here's a few more:




Maybe later I'll post some cartoons or sketches or something. 

You other guys should post your stuff too!  It's good to show people what you've done.  Feedback is key!
hannaugh said:
Are you planning on going into design/graphics or fine art? 

Actually I'd like to teach art in high school and play music on the side.

Btw guys you don't need to be as pro as hannaugh to post your artworks :p

hannaugh said:
Here's a few more:




Maybe later I'll post some cartoons or sketches or something. 

You other guys should post your stuff too!  It's good to show people what you've done.  Feedback is key!

I'm speechless :eek: , you have great eye for colors
Have been half of my life since I don't draw... Ain't got nothing mine to show, just the shield of my rugby team and the wolf is a copy of what my friend did on corel draw...
That is some real nice work guys! I've always been very jealous of people who are skilled in the visual arts. Art is something I really love and find interesting, but I have very little (read: zero) ability in it, unfortunately. I do a bit of writing (or at least I try...) and play music, so I guess that's something, but I'd really love to draw or paint. But I digress. Kudos to you fine artistic folk!
exaN said:
Cool line work man :)

freaking kidding me... it's POS 5-minutes-work... To be fair I've never done clean lines was more preocupated with strong lines, when I finally start taking care of do it, I stopped drawing...
Nice design, Fernando!  You should draw more.  Nice drawings from Bob as well!  They remind me of my mom's graphite work. 

I'm trying to draw more.  It's hard though because I enjoy painting so much more.  I recently decided to practice my comic book skills, so I've been going through books of my favorite artists and copying them to see if I can figure out what makes their styles work.  At some point I want to draw my own graphic novel. 

ErogenousJones said:
That is some real nice work guys! I've always been very jealous of people who are skilled in the visual arts. Art is something I really love and find interesting, but I have very little (read: zero) ability in it, unfortunately. I do a bit of writing (or at least I try...) and play music, so I guess that's something, but I'd really love to draw or paint. But I digress. Kudos to you fine artistic folk!

You should get this book called Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain. It's a great great course, and I've seen breath-taking results from it.  I use all of the concepts in it to teach my classes.  I've seen kids go from only being able to do stick figures to drawing pretty decent 3-D objects in a single afternoon.  My friend took a 2 week course using the book, and her drawing dramatically improved in that short time.  One of my friends, I literally sat down with her for 10 minutes and just told her some stuff from the book, and she improved about 50% within a week.  She had only done stick figures before that, but after that she started drawing on a regular basis and now she paints.  I certainly have benefited from the lessons in it too.  I did the course when I was 14.    

Basically what it teaches you is that drawing isn't a talent, it's a skill that can be learned, and it is all in how you look at things.  It's in the eye, not in the hand.  Once you learn that, you can learn to turn off the part of your brain that prevents you from seeing things they way they really are, and then it's just a matter of practice to fine tune your technique.  Practice is key to developing skills.  I spent about 6 months painting around 6 hours a day, and that's when I really started to get better.  It's very similar to music, actually.  Sometimes when I'm teaching color theory, I think "Man, this is music theory!".  

If you guys didn't all live far away, I'd offer to teach anyone here who wanted to learn how to draw or paint or whatever (you know, how to make a sfx blood cannon or a prosthetic monster face).  I've taught a lot of people how to draw, it's not as hard as you think.  
I'm definitely going to look into that book Hannah, thanks. Oh, and I'd also like to sign up for the blood canon thing.  :icon_thumright:
Here's the tutorial for the one we made last semester.  There are a few variations, but this one works well and is cheap: 

I got my start as a poet until it got me arrested in high school... long story there. I'd share but I recently had a bad night and only two pieces that are a bit personal in a romantic way survived. I've been working on a book, and I've started it over seven times now.

For visual art, I don't. I did one piece ever that I enjoyed and it was a doodle during an hour long study hall... I ended up spending three hours on it. I used my press pass in school so I could stay in the classroom, said it was for the paper. It was a continuous line drawing of my hand on fire, with all the little wrinkles and everything. Three hours of not picking up the pencil is a little brain-hurting.

The crappy part is, I didn't think it would turn into anything so it was just in pencil on lined paper. I'm looking for it right now. The original was burnt, but I still believe there's a photo of it online.
Very impressive works!
I'd share some, but all my visual stuff is photography. Taken over 40k photos in the last 5 years or so though, and really haven't shot much in the last 2 years.