

Senior Member

My name is X, and I'm an Apple-Fanatic Hater. There, I said it. I hate 'em. To the guts. Especially those who are hell-bent on that there is nothing wrong or flawed with anything that comes out of Apples shiny, white ass.

Thank you.
I had an apple fanatic professor in grad school. Once at a major academic conference, while he was giving a presentation to about 200 people, his mac (which he was using for the presentation) started smoking and caught fire (just a little bit of fire, to be honest), melting the keyboard completely.

He is still just as much a mac fan. True story.
That's because, ultimately, matters of religious faith are not the product of ratiocination.  A melting Mac is a concrete counterexample that is insufficient to overcome the abstract religious fervor.  Not saying whether he's right or wrong (or whether the faithful of other sects are right or wrong), but it IS how faith works. 

Other examples of this phenomenon are omitted in the interest of not bringing down the wrath of the Moderators, in whom I have great faith, and whom I fear as though they were the Jehovah of the Pentateuch.  If I didn't have neighbors who might object to the smell and noise, I might sacrifice a goat to them.

I don't really have an opinion on Apple products since I use a PC--but we did have an Apple II back in the day ( I think Carter was still president.)  I spent hours playing Little Brick Out, Hadron and Wizardry on that thing, floppy discs and all.

But I did read in the paper that yesterday Apple briefly became the world's most valuable company in terms of market capitalization, edging out Exxon for a few hours during the tumultuous trading on the stock exchange.  As I understand it Exxon rallied and finished the day back on top.
I want, so bad. to have another option for my music player...

there is nothing out there that plays 133.3 gigs of music with such fidelity.

the SECOND someone makes it at a comparable size and price. I'm gone.
You're more likely to see a Volkswagen with a Apple sticker on the back window if it's the only sticker.  There's double fanboy points there.

One of my bandmates is the typical Gibson fanboy.  He has a Gibson tattoo and named his recent new born daughter Gibson.  He has a 2008 LP Traditional, with all of the usual Gibson flaws.  He can't keep the thing in tune (G string binding at the nut and what not), the finish is less than spectacular, and will put up with more from it because of what he paid for it and the name on the headstock than he would anything else.  The tuning issues, he replaced the tuners with near identical replacements disregarding his setup guy and my advice that it wasn't a tuner issue.  He upsized the strings and the factory nut slots were too small, hence the binding in the nut.  I understand we like what we like and there are Strat guys and LP guys, but you should hear some of the things that come out of his mouth.  "I couldn't play Gibsons for the longest time because the scale is different than what I learned to play on; acoustics and Fenders."   :icon_scratch:  A stereotypical acoustic guitar's scale length is closer to, if not identical to, a Gibson than a Fender, IIRC, which he was playing interchangeably.  In a 3 or 4 hour show, I can typically counted on him breaking a D or G string at the bridge, which is fixable.  His go to backup is an Epi Semi-hollow jobby.  Guess what?  It stays in tune and doesn't break strings.  He's sold Fenders that were more dependable than his LP, but generic gear conversations of "what kind of LP is that" don't pop up as much with other guitars.  He has the hots for another LP but doesn't have $2,000 burning a hole in his pocket.  He knows how died in the wool buy American I am but even still, I've tried turning him onto Agile and pointed out Yamaha and Ibanez LP equivalents at GC, but they "aren't as good" to use his words.  If he was intent on a similar scale length and price range, there's always PRS - who is still building a legacy instead of living off of one.  I've told him about QC issues I've read on this forum (volute under the first fret anyone?), pointed out poor finish and fretwork on ones hanging on walls, told him about the Firebird X, and even about the Strat Gibson was trying to pawn off as Hendrix's Gibson signature sound.  He knows I'm a Warmoth fanboy and knows they do LPs and doesn't mind a bolt-on neck.  I could on, but it doesn't matter because there is an Apple like devotion.
I was going to say that i resent all fanatics equally, but that's not true. I suppose I dislike fanaticism that just doesn't seem to be based on any kind of rational thought or tangible evidence.
but see.. i could get into some very dangerous territory talking about this subject on these forums. So I will probably leave with little more than a vague allusion to what i'm thinking.

but yeah. it's just so irritating to encounter people who clearly are more caught up in hype, marketing, and an exclusive subculture than they are in realities. Especially anybody who feels the need to go on about the superiority of a product or service without so much as trying to objectively evaluate whether or not the person they are talking to stands to benefit from the use of said product or service.

that being said, I think we've probably all been guilty of that at times. in my writing that just now it made me kind of aware of a recent case of my own vexing behavior. Really, it's usually just a person being happy with something and wanting to perpetuate that something in their own world, thereby perpetuating what makes them happy in their environment. For instance, I want everybody i know to love Radiohead as much as i do, because then more people would sit around and have long analytical conversations with me about their body of work and their career, which i just love doing... Of course I am conscious not to be that guy who rambles on about his favorite band to people who just aren't interested.

so i guess if there was a point i was making... i don't think anybody's above the things that make fanatics annoying. self-moderation is a hard thing to actualize. so maybe we can just try to think about it that way and thereby let go of some of the aggressive feelings we may harbor towards such individuals? that'd probably be a good thing.

errr. i totally didn't mean to turn that into some kind of philosophical diatribe. Thanks for stimulating my brain though!  :icon_thumright:
Geez you guys have a lot of time and energy to burn on being annoyed by other people. Let it go why don't you? Unless someone is forcing you to do something you don't want to, what does it matter whether someone likes a specific brand or not?

I'm currently using a W7 computer I put together myself and it's a great machine, but between '97 and '06 I used a Mac. The same Mac, and it never ever had any issues. Best computer I have ever owned or used.
k-k-kboooman said:
Geez you guys have a lot of time and energy to burn on being annoyed by other people. Let it go why don't you? Unless someone is forcing you to do something you don't want to, what does it matter whether someone likes a specific brand or not?

I'm currently using a W7 computer I put together myself and it's a great machine, but between '97 and '06 I used a Mac. The same Mac, and it never ever had any issues. Best computer I have ever owned or used.

It gets frustrating when you're trying to have a sensible argument about computers in general and company ethics when the person you are talking to basically just says "Omg, you are so clueless, you don't know ANYTHING about Apple! They are the best company in the WORLD! PCs and Windows are the worst things ever and suck ass!" See my point? You can't even talk to such a person. Of course, such things happen in the guitar world aswell, I just happen to be a computer enthusiast aswell, so I experience it in both worlds. There are plenty of good things with Macs and iDevices, but there are also negative sides, same as a PC, but when I point out those Mac flaws, I'm a clueless idiot in their eyes. If I point out good things about PCs, I'm still a clueless idiot. My personal quarrel with Macs are that you can't poke around in it yourself. You buy it, it runs, it grows old, you buy a new one. You can't maximize it's potential either due to it being a closed machine. Though, as you said, they hold together well and last long, but so does my home-built PCs do aswell.

Apple is basically a niche market who puts design and high price above much else. They also have a bit too much pride, which scrubs off to their consumers. Apple isn't an all-terrible company, although I heavily dislike the iPhone, I own an iPod Touch and it trumphs all other music-players out there. It was expensive alright ($300) but 32gb memory, lossless, video playback (although a bit sketchy) and useful apps does more or less warrant the price, even though I still find it on the expensive side. It doesn't really have the most user-friendly and intuitive software, but it works once you sort out the problems. Basically it gets the job done.
I kinda like 'em both.  I've got a PC desktop, and a Mac laptop.  I got a free ipod (5th gen) with the laptop, and I'm going to get an ipad today for my wife.
Next computer I get will be a PC as this one (desktop) is showing its age.
PC or MAC; Gibson or Fender; Harley or Honda; Ford or Chevy; Cat or Dog....

And finally Steelers or the rest of the NFL...

That's the great thing, we have choices!!!!!  Sometimes the decisions we make are not practical and sometimes they are just dumb (to everyone except us).  Sometimes we spend $3000 on an item that is not as well put together as something that costs $700 but as long as we (ie the buyer) are happy, why should anyone else care?

Just to run down the list;

As far as computers go I have always been a PC guy but I recently bought a MacBook Pro and love it.  I will always keep a PC as my desktop though.

I've always perfered Gidson (see my avatar and you'll begin to understand why) and I always will.  I to want to buy another LP.  I have read all (well not ALL) the posts etc about poor quality, but everyone I have picked up to play has been stellar.  My 1988 studio has been a great guitar and I have always wanted a white Custom.

Harley all the way, yes they are slow, overpriced, heavy, yada, yada, yada but it's what I like.  I do work under the premis that there are no bad motorcycles If I had the money I'd own several of each.

Two words....Ford Mustang!  (64-70) was a defining moment in the auto industry.  I have always owned Fords and probably always will, my Dad always owned Fords and his Dad always owned Fords (Nurture over Nature I guess).

Would love to have a dog but lifestyle would not be fair on the dog.  Cats don't really care if you're gone for a day...

Steelers Baby!!!!!!

SustainerPlayer said:
Especially statements like "My personal quarrel with Macs are that you can't poke around in it yourself." . That's just no right. But being a PC-fanatic (or an anti Apple-fanatic as you may call it) you may lack the knowledge and abilities to do so. No problem with that. But spreading uninformed statements like that does not make you any better than all the other fanatics ... Sorry for being direct here.

Well, it depends on how you look at it. Yes, if I want to examine a Mac to assess any damage done or repair certain parts, that can easily be done. But you can't pop open your Mac and replace your graphic card for some more juice or upgrade your processor. PCs are more of a buffé of different kinds of parts and tidbits, I can take out what I want and put in what I want. If it's running hot, stick in an extra fan or two, if it's too noisy, replace the parts with low-noise components. This can be done with a Mac, but is a much more tedious and delicate process.

Macs certainly have their place and use and I'm not totally biased towards Macs. I will most likely get one due to great programs for music-, video- and photography-editing. I just can't stand people saying the are the best thing you can own. For gaming it's completely useless and the prices can be outright stupid at times. But then again, so are OEM's aswell. Mac is basically another OEM with a fancy name and a unique OS. The only real unique thing about Mac's would be the iMac, having a computer built into the screen can be quite handy. But then again, both PC's and Macs have the same components.

It all boils down to if you what you prefer. Personally I don't prefer Macs, but apparantly I'm not allowed to have any opinion about Macs and why I dislike them according to some people, and those people does get on my nerves.  :icon_tongue:

EDIT: I just went over to check the prices on a Mac Pro. My jaw dropped down to the core of the earth. It's that ridiculous. $400 for 0.4ghz more processing power, $150 for 1tb more harddrive space, $250 for an extra Radeon 5770 (those are so old they aren't even sold retail anymore) $130 for 2gb extra ram (just to clarify, 3x4gb ram, 12gb total, costs $100 retail). My biggest beef with Macs are the prices, the components just aren't worth it in my opinion. I can build an insane PC rig, with watercooling, for about 30-40% less than the Mac would cost, and it would be a huge amount of performance difference, that Mac wouldn't stand a chance. A brand and an OS just doesn't justify that price for me.
Super Turbo Jack Ace Deluxe Custom said:
You're more likely to see a Volkswagen with a Apple sticker on the back window if it's the only sticker.  There's double fanboy points there.

One of my bandmates is the typical Gibson fanboy.  He has a Gibson tattoo and named his recent new born daughter Gibson.  He has a 2008 LP Traditional, with all of the usual Gibson flaws.  He can't keep the thing in tune (G string binding at the nut and what not), the finish is less than spectacular, and will put up with more from it because of what he paid for it and the name on the headstock than he would anything else.  The tuning issues, he replaced the tuners with near identical replacements disregarding his setup guy and my advice that it wasn't a tuner issue.  He upsized the strings and the factory nut slots were too small, hence the binding in the nut.  I understand we like what we like and there are Strat guys and LP guys, but you should hear some of the things that come out of his mouth.  "I couldn't play Gibsons for the longest time because the scale is different than what I learned to play on; acoustics and Fenders."   :icon_scratch:  A stereotypical acoustic guitar's scale length is closer to, if not identical to, a Gibson than a Fender, IIRC, which he was playing interchangeably.  In a 3 or 4 hour show, I can typically counted on him breaking a D or G string at the bridge, which is fixable.  His go to backup is an Epi Semi-hollow jobby.  Guess what?  It stays in tune and doesn't break strings.  He's sold Fenders that were more dependable than his LP, but generic gear conversations of "what kind of LP is that" don't pop up as much with other guitars.  He has the hots for another LP but doesn't have $2,000 burning a hole in his pocket.  He knows how died in the wool buy American I am but even still, I've tried turning him onto Agile and pointed out Yamaha and Ibanez LP equivalents at GC, but they "aren't as good" to use his words.  If he was intent on a similar scale length and price range, there's always PRS - who is still building a legacy instead of living off of one.  I've told him about QC issues I've read on this forum (volute under the first fret anyone?), pointed out poor finish and fretwork on ones hanging on walls, told him about the Firebird X, and even about the Strat Gibson was trying to pawn off as Hendrix's Gibson signature sound.  He knows I'm a Warmoth fanboy and knows they do LPs and doesn't mind a bolt-on neck.  I could on, but it doesn't matter because there is an Apple like devotion.

Side thing that I noticed - Hey! you're in a new band!  Excellent! 
Bagman67 said:
Other examples of this phenomenon are omitted in the interest of not bringing down the wrath of the Moderators, in whom I have great faith, and whom I fear as though they were the Jehovah of the Pentateuch.  If I didn't have neighbors who might object to the smell and noise, I might sacrifice a goat to them.


How about doing a whole pig instead?  You could invite the neighbors and have a luau.  And I'm kinda hungry right now.... :icon_biggrin:
Wyliee said:
Bagman67 said:
Other examples of this phenomenon are omitted in the interest of not bringing down the wrath of the Moderators, in whom I have great faith, and whom I fear as though they were the Jehovah of the Pentateuch.  If I didn't have neighbors who might object to the smell and noise, I might sacrifice a goat to them.


How about doing a whole pig instead?  You could invite the neighbors and have a luau.  And I'm kinda hungry right now.... :icon_biggrin:

Dig a pit and do BOTH a Kaluia pig and the cabrito....
Kaoskadosk said:

My name is X, and I'm an Apple-Fanatic Hater. There, I said it. I hate 'em. To the guts. Especially those who are hell-bent on that there is nothing wrong or flawed with anything that comes out of Apples shiny, white ass.

Thank you.

Amen. So much hype. I just don't get it. More astute points than I care to make have been made so far, Bagman's especially.
I can't tell you how many times my $500 Dell comes to save the day when the mac melts down. I try not to be a hater but I do snicker from a distance. Before windows 7, I used to lust after macs but this OS is stable and that's all I care about. If it works, it works.