Graffiti62 said:
I can personally see some poor sap trying to get the built-in effects to work right at a gig, and the whole thing just becoming a big snarled mess. I thought that the Robot was a gimmick from the start--it really isn't a chore to tune a guitar. Keith Richards could do it in the seventies being as bombed on heroin as he was. Now, we're adding digital reverb, delay and distortion to the guitar itself. Once again, how hard is it to step on a pedal? Maybe if you were barefoot........
I'm pretty sure the 'built in effects into guitar' caper has been tried before on other guitar brands, without any success. That also damns that instrument to the era it was made in too, effects added or not, are a fad to the sound you want in your mix for a song. Sure, just about everyone uses a reverb of some sort in their guitar sound, but a number of other effects come and go with the times....I just don;t know the wisdom of packing a guitar full of circuitry either, Imean we sweat over these guitars, drop beer/coke/coffee on 'em, tinker inside them sometimes too. Old Gretsch guitars are renowned for not working properly because they have so much wiring in them, what's the chances this guitar will be plagued with reliability issues ten years from now. This model won't be a 50 year one that's for sure, and I'm sure that's what old Henry wants too.
Thinking about this: I'm not suprised if Henry fesses up to this model being
his baby, doing a McCarty for Gibson he'd reason it to be like. Only trouble is, is that McCarty was an engineering genius whereas Henry is a junk bond specialist, and Henry has a pack of yes men surrounding him, too afraid to say" Uh boss, that idea sux".
I will add that I am not so much a Gibson hater as I used to be, and some of their marque models are to die for. But if Henry keeps pumping out rubbish like this, it will be 'game over' for one of the icons of the music industry and that would make me angry that someone took it that far, and sad that the generation of players after me won't see a GOOD Gibson, unless it's in a glass case and a pricetag of six figures.