elfro89 said:
Nightclub Dwight said:
Here is an pretinent article I saw by chance on MSN tonight:
HA! the inner child has some really funny things i could say in response to that but i wont! haha
this is the most ignorant thing i have ever seen. this guy is an ass!.
half of evelutionary evidence there was do to the loss of genetic material. no explaination for the origin of it. infact most examples i have seen are more likely do to the loss of material. i saw the loss of limbs, the loss of digits. only the reptiles growing feathers was shown as an example of something new and gained, but he admits the earlier reptiles may have just as easily have had feathers. the fact is we dont see much new material because the odds are near imposible, but the reemergance of old unneed material is previlant. it implies that we are the refinement of a larger amount of imperfect code but there is no mechinism that we know of for the body to tell dna what is ideal and what is ok to loose, and where is the build up to all of that imperfect code, i know some simpler creatures and plants have more dna than humans so how did the pool of dna get to be so big to allow for the loss of the unnessesary. they haven't found a single animal ancestor, they have found several that poped up out of no where. there is some branching but it is nothing like a tree with a single trunk.
but the idea that there must be a single trunk is somewhat flawed. if the conditions are right for the emergance of a single animal, why can another or several not happen in parrallel? as unlikely as the odds are for a single animal species then there can very well be an unknown or influence that fasilitates it, so why not several species of origin posibly starting in different areas on the earth, or the same area, not nesesarily animals but i dont get the idea that it started from one organism. im not speaking against evolution but this guy is not explaining the abundance of code just saying that it was lost or corrupted. i think it needs to be looked at a a new way, this is just an attemp to hold on to early darwinism plugging things in at random not because they fit darwinism but because it makes you ask why a god would do that. he is blinded by his hatred of religon and forces things into his agenda and dis allows things or side steps them as he would like to avoid them. he didnt even talk about dna or how it got to where it is today.
proves the closed mindedness come from both ends of the spectrum. those connected to traditions of our ancestors and those connected to traditions of science who hate the traditions of our ancestors. where are the truely creative minds in all of this? darwin lacked the time and equipment to evolve his theories, so why are so many sticking so close to it today where we can explore newer posibilities.
i heard the word expect so many times that it about made me ill, we need less expectation in science and more observation. expectation is for invetors, not researchers.
kinda reminds me of al gore and the environmental agenda. i think origin of species is fascinating so lets not ruin it with a battle of ignorance vs ignorance. i liked cb's early post about why not more genders ect, and i like that he can come up with something like that and move on, my brain likes to explore all the avenues it can, although some get lost along the way and i have trouble keeping arguments and discussions short and sweet an weeding out the unnessesary.