
An Interesting Intellectual puzzle...

Super Turbo Deluxe Custom said:
AGWAN said:
the funny thing is, fair skinned blue eyed people have a greater chance of skin cancer/blindness

And Vitamin D overdoses due to too much sunlight.

I'm blonde with blue eyes, but due to some native american i also have slightly darker skin. does this make me a super human?
Native American? According to my dear departed granny, that would make you a "heathen" <grin>

For a sweet little old lady, she could be quite the bigot. Funny part was, she wasn't bitter about it at all. Very straightforward. Thought everything she knew about various people was not only just plain and simple fact, but that it was common knowledge. Some of the stuff she'd say out in public was just astounding. It's a wonder she never got her ass kicked <grin>
Cagey said:
Native American? According to my dear departed granny, that would make you a "heathen" <grin>

For a sweet little old lady, she could be quite the bigot. Funny part was, she wasn't bitter about it at all. Very straightforward. Thought everything she knew about various people was not only just plain and simple fact, but that it was common knowledge. Some of the stuff she'd say out in public was just astounding. It's a wonder she never got her ass kicked <grin>

yeah my grandpa, who isn't racist at all, still says some stuff that used to be acceptable in everyday life that just isn't anymore...
My Grandfather, after getting blazed, watched a black couple walk down the street on front of our home.

he said...

"They call 'em N---ers but i never see them N--,... Oh there they go."

What made that half amusing was that he's never seen the simpsons where Otto goes "They call 'em fingers but I never them fing... Oh there they go."

so his own racist little mind came up with that. Ah... Old people...

I'm terrified to bring home anyone darker than me. I'm italian and he makes jokes about "If they ever took over you could pass"

If I really wanted to give him a Stroke... I should just date a black girl.... I think fire would shoot out his eye sockets.
Political correctness

and we all know that political correctness is a way of thinking, passed on by those who are delusional, that tells us that there is a way to pick up a turd by the end that does not stink
AGWAN said:
My Grandfather, after getting blazed, watched a black couple walk down the street on front of our home.

he said...

"They call 'em N---ers but i never see them N--,... Oh there they go."

What made that half amusing was that he's never seen the simpsons where Otto goes "They call 'em fingers but I never them fing... Oh there they go."

so his own racist little mind came up with that. Ah... Old people...

I'm terrified to bring home anyone darker than me. I'm italian and he makes jokes about "If they ever took over you could pass"

If I really wanted to give him a Stroke... I should just date a black girl.... I think fire would shoot out his eye sockets.
Do as my great grandfather did, Marry one and have the best family of all the kids, our side is tight and close, all the other branches are a bunch of back biting morons.
My grandfather who is Spanish and Native American Always refers to black people as "colored". I think that is hilarious. He isn't exactly lacking pigment himself. And elfro, Emo chicks are hot! We are all well on our way to one huge super race due to cross culturization and multi racial breeding. Well that and global warming. Soon lilly white skin will be a thing of the past. :headbang1:
^XD @ Justatele: actually... my family branch is the Moron one... which is Odd because several of us have genius level IQ's...

but a Genius can be a Moron, don't doubt the power of ignorance!
GAAHHH Changing hair color isn't evolution! DANG YOU ALL!


Bad day.


Hijack: why did black people get better senses of rhythm? Screw being white. Ugh.
elfro89 said:
pabloman said:
. And elfro, Emo chicks are hot!

LIES I TELL YOU!!!  :laughing7:

Sometimes yes:

Sometimes, well, NOT yes:

I decline to render an opinion as to the evolutionary advantage of one over the other.


Justinginn said:
GAAHHH Changing hair color isn't evolution! DANG YOU ALL!


Bad day.


Hijack: why did black people get better senses of rhythm? Screw being white. Ugh.
because they didn't get the designer gene(s)    Sic

Actually you should look at how mixed up the genes are in my family, dark and light all in the same siblings, My brother has red nappy hair, I am as white as a ghost and my sister could pass as first generation. We amaze a lot of people trying to figure our heritage out.
elfro89 said:
donkey's and horses can mate to form mules. which is strange because they are 2 different species, so is it entirely possible for any human ancestors to have had similar types of situations?

Why yes!  Yes indeed!  For instance, Janet Reno is living proof that lawyers mated with orangutan.  Madeleine Albright is the result of academi mating with walrus.  And our very own President Obama come from the pairing of opportunity and a bad idea.
bagman67 said:
elfro89 said:
pabloman said:
. And elfro, Emo chicks are hot!

LIES I TELL YOU!!!  :laughing7:

Sometimes yes:

Sometimes, well, NOT yes:

I decline to render an opinion as to the evolutionary advantage of one over the other.


I dont find either attractive, the first has a nice rack but damn! i hate people looking like a comic book!
fact is nothing evolves slowly. dna/rnd are mostly codes that produces proteins, the proteins build cells the cellb build tissues, the tissues form in a body plan ect ect ect. evolution seems self evident and is a almost certainty given dna/rna. but it would appear that it is a (dare i say it) designed in feature. im not peddling religion but i am open to the idea because of the impossible odds life would face. proteins are incredibly long complex strings that are folded in complex ways. the odd thing is the arrangement of molecules that can build something that is passable as a protein doesn't happen very easily. the chains are so long and so few possibilities work that it was calculated that only 1 in 10^81 combinations could build a protien, that a number 100 times greater than the estimated number of protons in our universe, statistical science says a successful random occurrence of a protein is impossible, but given infinite time and infinite matter all things are possible, but then the chances of a random self reproducing code that produces hundreds or thousands of unique protein arranged in an order that can build a successful life form with built in defenses against other life forms of all sizes and the ability to memorize and reason to aid in its survival is incomprehensible, was there a time that many biological functions weren't needed allowing simpler animals to live and time for more senses and advancements to surface? was disease always prevelant? it seems to me random virusses are more likely than random animals so why did the animals survive? unless they had imunity to local viruses from the beginning but that's just more random unlikelyness.

if anything were very lucky to be here to witness it all. i wish i could remember the source for the numbers stated above, right now its just hearsay. but there also so little code that differentiates species that evolution would be easy once dna existed. most mamals have greater than 90% in common dna wise. the differences are in switches that tell things to start or stop. it doesnt appear to be self regulating as far as i know but a mutation in one switch can yield a new species making it easy for a single mutation to repeat its self many times to form a breading population. evolution happens faster and more readily than Darwin would have ever imagined but it still leaves the question of where did all this beautiful code come from?

the Darwinian view on evolution has mostly been disproven, not that evolution is dis proven but the idea that change is gradual. the fossil record doesnt show it, many of the first species have ancestors today that are for the large part unchanged, and there is no evidence of things starting small and simple and getting bigger, the changes appear in the records abruptly as the reality of dna mutations allow it to. no disrespect to darwin, at his time the idea was more than rational, with modern science we see why there were problems proving the idea of gradual evolution, it's just not that gradual when it comes to things we can see in fossils.

now with random things, you may see something that appears designed like a simple machine once in a while, with some clusters but for enough simple objects to come togerther at just the right time to assemble a complex machine that's harder to believe. living things are a colection of the most complicated and perfect machines we have ever seen. i dont dis believe that a dna code could for at random to build one protein, but with random we see things spread out with some clusters, not clusters of thousands of complex random things that happen to work together in an alarming way. it's hard for me not to beleive in inteligance in the universe. but the implications of that are even greater, wear did the master designer come from and what give it inteligances of such great magnitude?

when it comes down to it this planet is a conundrum untill we find another with similar age and oprotunity for life. maybe there are unknown factors that make life a certainty, but untill we find another planet crawling with life we we'll have to wonder. for a self proclaimed analytical mind to look down on beleif in religion is ingnorant and for religous people to conemn sciencetific theory is eqaully so.
elfro89 said:
Nightclub Dwight said:
Here is an pretinent article I saw by chance on MSN tonight:


HA! the inner child has some really funny things i could say in response to that but i wont! haha


this is the most ignorant thing i have ever seen. this guy is an ass!.

half of evelutionary evidence there was do to the loss of genetic material. no explaination for the origin of it. infact most examples i have seen are more likely do to the loss of material. i saw the loss of limbs, the loss of digits. only the reptiles growing feathers was shown as an example of something new and gained, but he admits the earlier reptiles may have just as easily have had feathers. the fact is we dont see much new material because the odds are near imposible, but the reemergance of old unneed material is previlant. it implies that we are the refinement of a larger amount of imperfect code but there is no mechinism that we know of for the body to tell dna what is ideal and what is ok to loose, and where is the build up to all of that imperfect code, i know some simpler creatures and plants have more dna than humans so how did the pool of dna get to be so big to allow for the loss of the unnessesary. they haven't found a single animal ancestor, they have found several that poped up out of no where. there is some branching but it is nothing like a tree with a single trunk.

but the idea that there must be a single trunk is somewhat flawed. if the conditions are right for the emergance of a single animal, why can another or several not happen in parrallel?  as unlikely as the odds are for a single animal species then there can very well be an unknown or influence that fasilitates it, so why not several species of origin posibly starting in different areas on the earth, or the same area, not nesesarily animals but i dont get the idea that it started from one organism. im not speaking against evolution but this guy is not explaining the abundance of code just saying that it was lost or corrupted. i think it needs to be looked at a a new way, this is just an attemp to hold on to early darwinism plugging things in at random not because they fit darwinism but because it makes you ask why a god would do that. he is blinded by his hatred of religon and forces things into his agenda and dis allows things or side steps them as he would like to avoid them. he didnt even talk about dna or how it got to where it is today.

proves the closed mindedness come from both ends of the spectrum. those connected to traditions of our ancestors and those connected to traditions of science who hate the traditions of our ancestors. where are the truely creative minds in all of this? darwin lacked the time and equipment to evolve his theories, so why are so many sticking so close to it today where we can explore newer posibilities.

i heard the word expect so many times that it about made me ill, we need less expectation in science and more observation. expectation is for invetors, not researchers.

kinda reminds me of al gore and the environmental agenda. i think origin of species is fascinating so lets not ruin it with a battle of ignorance vs ignorance. i liked cb's early post about why not more genders ect, and i like that he can come up with something like that and move on, my brain likes to explore all the avenues it can, although some get lost along the way and i have trouble keeping arguments and discussions short and sweet an weeding out the unnessesary.