Anyone who had any idea what the Pope was actually supposed to believe would know there's no reason for a religious war in Christianity. It was all about political power.
In my humble opinion, all organized religions are about political power. In my last post I may have been a little harsh in my God bashing. Even though I don't have a clear picture of God in my mind, I have no hatred against such a being. Rather, I despise the organizations that man has developed in the name of God. If God herself actually came down and started a church or worship center, I'd be all over that. But I'm not going to join a club that man has developed in his feeble attempt to placate an imaginary God.
And to address the above quotation from Justinginn.....I'm no religious expert, but I thought that no one has any idea what the Pope is supposed to do, as the Pope gets his orders directly from God. So, under the current system, how are we to judge? If the Pope is acting on direct orders from God, he is presumably more informed than any of us mere mortals. Seems fishy, doesn't it? The Pope is not the first dictator to claim "divine guidance."
If God truely wanted us to worship her, why would she put a middleman in the way between us to tell us what to think? Why wouldn't she just communicate with us directly? I think she may be doing just that, but those middlemen want to distract us from God's true message so that they can keep their positions of power, and continue to abuse young boys as they see fit.
Its like the Supreme Court's definition of pornography. I can't tell you what it is, but I know it when I see it. When I look at a sunrise I see God. When I see the infinite stars in a clear winter sky, I see God. When I see a child smile, I see God. When I see a church, a mosque, or a temple, I just see real estate. When I see a person speaking the word of God, I see a charlatan.
If I'm wrong I'll pay the price. I can live with that.
As far as Darwin is concerned, remember that he was the first to present the theory of evolution. Maybe not everything was totally correct, but it seems to be a lot more pertinent than the version of creation presented in any of the major religions (or the Greek/Roman myths etc). There are gaps in our knowledge for sure, but its pretty amazing how accurate these theories are in light of the fossil evidence.
So to clarify my stance, I agree that there may be a supreme being that created this whole show we call life, but to think that any of our myths/religions actually speak for that supreme being is really silly and infantile on our part.
I mean no offense to anyone who believes different. You may well be right. We all have to live with our own beliefs and decisions.