Mr Real Nice said:
ildar said:
Dude, I've got seven kids, a mortgage payment, 2 car payments, paying for braces and diapers. My amp went down and I need a new one. You don't see me begging like some bum.
You're off to college.
Get a job.
Ok. Clearly you either didn't read any of the other posts I made or chose to ignore them. A) I'm not begging. Please check the language used in my previous posts. B ) I said it's fine to give $0 because I understand people have their own lives and money to worry about. C) I have a job (which I also already stated). I go to it in between classes and rehearsals for the 4 bands I'm in as much as I can (which is not much). D) I'm in school entirely on loans and whatever measly grants the government determines I'm eligible for.
I understand your situation is difficult. So is mine. So are lots of peoples'. That's why I said I wasn't expecting anything and wouldn't be offended if no one gave anything. Hell, I had to borrow from my loan money that is set aside for rent just so I could buy $28 worth of groceries for this week. I'm not whining; I'm just illustrating how we're all in some sort of shiteee situation at least every now and then and saying "Hey, can you spare 5 bucks? It's ok if you can't," to a bunch of guys who helped me build my guitar -- and whom I try to help as much as possible -- doesn't seem like an uncool thing to do.
That's where you're wrong. You're asking a bunch of strangers to give you money. Whether it's $1 or $1000 makes no difference. A beggar on the street is no different either, he asks random passers for money, whether it's 25 cents or 25 bucks makes no difference to him either.
And I'm soooo sorry you were able to take loan money to buy food. I had to earn my food standing on a ladder for 10 + hours a day last week.
Your situation is vastly different from mine, don't insult me by saying it's the same.
So, you wouldn't be offended if nobody handed you money??? How magnanimous.
Give me a break.