
amp against guitar-trade: good idea, or bad idea?


Hero Member
Hi guys,

I have a lot of amps, 4 huge tubeamps to be exact, with 4 cabs. I play on all of them, with equal love, and each of them has its own character, and suits my needs whenever I need or feel like it.

now, I got an offer, and I was wondering wether or not its a good idea.

The amps I am willing of letting go are the mesa/boogie mark 4, and a rivera m100 with 2 212 q-cabs.


the left half of the set...

What the deal involves is this:



and with the BFG I get 600 euro's (thats almost 750$) cash. I have, ofcourse, already some plans for that BFG... I want to sand it down, make the top flat, well, carved ofcourse, but I want to get rid of those ridges, I'll swap out the p90 and put in some bill lawrence pickups, and ofcourse add a third, and also, add 2 f holes, with a nice opaque finish. Perhaps I'll even make it a goldburst :P

but thats beside the point: is a trade a good idea? will it be beneficial for me, or will I loose (too much) with the trade?
Orpheo said:
Hi guys,

I have a lot of amps, 4 huge tubeamps to be exact, with 4 cabs. I play on all of them, with equal love, and each of them has its own character, and suits my needs whenever I need or feel like it.

now, I got an offer, and I was wondering wether or not its a good idea.

The amps I am willing of letting go are the mesa/boogie mark 4, and a rivera m100 with 2 212 q-cabs.


the left half of the set...

What the deal involves is this:



and with the BFG I get 600 euro's (thats almost 750$) cash. I have, ofcourse, already some plans for that BFG... I want to sand it down, make the top flat, well, carved ofcourse, but I want to get rid of those ridges, I'll swap out the p90 and put in some bill lawrence pickups, and ofcourse add a third, and also, add 2 f holes, with a nice opaque finish. Perhaps I'll even make it a goldburst :P

but thats beside the point: is a trade a good idea? will it be beneficial for me, or will I loose (too much) with the trade?

is that an actual custom gibson black beauty? arent those things worth 4k? jesus. if all your doing is swapping a mark IV for that, i would definatly, then sell the black beauty and buy another mark IV and a warmoth ;)
Horde all your gear, sit in a corner, and scream/cry as loud as you can anytime anyone wants to trade for any of it.
elfro89 said:
Orpheo said:
Hi guys,

I have a lot of amps, 4 huge tubeamps to be exact, with 4 cabs. I play on all of them, with equal love, and each of them has its own character, and suits my needs whenever I need or feel like it.

now, I got an offer, and I was wondering wether or not its a good idea.

The amps I am willing of letting go are the mesa/boogie mark 4, and a rivera m100 with 2 212 q-cabs.


the left half of the set...

What the deal involves is this:



and with the BFG I get 600 euro's (thats almost 750$) cash. I have, ofcourse, already some plans for that BFG... I want to sand it down, make the top flat, well, carved ofcourse, but I want to get rid of those ridges, I'll swap out the p90 and put in some bill lawrence pickups, and ofcourse add a third, and also, add 2 f holes, with a nice opaque finish. Perhaps I'll even make it a goldburst :P

but thats beside the point: is a trade a good idea? will it be beneficial for me, or will I loose (too much) with the trade?

is that an actual custom gibson black beauty? arent those things worth 4k? jesus. if all your doing is swapping a mark IV for that, i would definatly, then sell the black beauty and buy another mark IV and a warmoth ;)

its a second-hand '99 custom. here, they go for like 2200$-2500$. the thing is, another mk4 combo is easier said than done. it took me FOUR years to hunt down a mk4 which sounds good. and I wish I could get 4k for a gibson LP custom.

@max: yeah, I still dont like gibson, but I have a soft spot for les pauls, especially if its a custom ;)  but thanks again for reminding me that I don't like gibson. the thing is, those 750$ are quite welcome, for a new warmoth project. but I like that rivera-tone a lot. its really better than my old, vintage marshall, and that mark4 has the tone I've been searching for in a mk for ages... its the first mk4 I heard/played which actually sounds good and useful.

@luke: I don't get that part, 'horde all your gear'. I recon' its a 'don't trade, you stupid!"? :P

I think a good amp is harder to find than a good guitar.

Will you regret the loss of a good amp a few years from now,

so you gotta ask yourself one question, do you feel lucky? Well do ya? Punk
nothing but good things to say for the BFG! it was a little heavy for me, and i hated the fact that it had no tummy cut (the top really dug into my ribs) but damn that was a fun guitar to play. and your mods sound really cool. the rough top was kind of annoying, and the unsanded back made playing it sitting down a very literal pain. but as a les paul player i don't think you'll even give that a second thought. badass guitars (possibly literally... i've heard BFG stood for badass f***ing guitar).
I wouldn't do it. Those are nice amps. Those guitars aren't as nice, even with the money, IMO.  Especially if you're going to take the BFG and screw it all up too.  :laughing7:
If you do the trade, it would be ludicrous to sand down the ridges on the BFG. It was made that way for a reason, so sell it to someone whom would appreciate it as it was meant to be....  :doh:
Orpheo said:
and I was wondering wether or not its a good idea.

If I was to make a deal like that, I would consult some kind of Les Paul Expert.. or at least someone who has owned many of them... oh very much like yerself!  :icon_tongue:
Superlizard said:
I wouldn't trade anything for a Norlin-era-or-newer Gibson Les Paul.

(...that would be from 1969 on up.)
I haven't been a Les Paul fan for quite some time, but I did like the Smartwood LP's, and some of the more oddity LP's like the BFG.... :icon_biggrin:
after a long think i came to one conclusion.

just knock him out and steal his guitars. you get new guitars, you keep your amps, everyones happy.  :hello2:
elfro89 said:
after a long think i came to one conclusion.

just knock him out and steal his guitars. you get new guitars, you keep your amps, everyones happy.  :hello2:

this reminds me of a new guitar day thread on another forum. a guy said he traded a shotgun for some guitar, and somebody commented afterwards and said "if you played your cards right you could have had both..."
A black beauty is always gorgeous, but nah... keep the amps I say. Especially if the Mk4 was so hard to find!
Biggus Pickus said:
I'll trade you this new Distressed Model Les Paul plus 601 euros for all your amps. :icon_jokercolor:


No, no, no.... thats road worn. Fender told me so.