
American Stnadard to Standard?


Junior Member
When looking at Fenders i noticed there are two types, with about a £500 price difference.
One made in mexico and the other the US.
Is there a difference that is worth that sort of money?
I am planning on overhauling the guitar anyway. I would like to use it for Punk and Metal playing and so will be replacing the standard pickups with some Tele Seymour Duncans, so should i worry about where the guitar was made? I can't imagine that i am paying for much more apart from where it was made?

you're asking the unofficial Warmoth forum. You're most likely going to get answers like "just build a warmoth."

p.s. that's my answer.
Ok, i am using Warmoth parts though.

Also this is a brilliant forum full of knowledge i figured if i was going to get a good answer it would be here.
HowToKillAKing said:
When looking at Fenders i noticed there are two types, with about a £500 price difference.
One made in mexico and the other the US.
Is there a difference that is worth that sort of money?
I am planning on overhauling the guitar anyway. I would like to use it for Punk and Metal playing and so will be replacing the standard pickups with some Tele Seymour Duncans, so should i worry about where the guitar was made? I can't imagine that i am paying for much more apart from where it was made?


Just buy a warmoth.
There is a difference between USA and Mexican made Fenders, but whether that difference is worth the cash difference is debateable.

For the use that you describe, I think the Mexican version would be fine.  

Basically, it sounds like you are using it for the body.  I assume you're putting a Warmoth neck on it?  Once your guitar is upgraded with the pickups you describe, and the Warmoth neck that I presume you are using, I doubt anyone could really tell the difference between a Mexican and USA body, so you might as well save the coin and go Mexican.

I've heard that in general the USA models use higher quality parts, but since you're upgrading, this difference should be minimal.  

Plus, for punk/metal, it shouldn't really matter much either way.  Thats not a knock on those genres, but due to the distortion, it sort of levels the playing field.

If in doubt, do what others said and just get a Warmoth!
Thanks Nightclub and i hadn't even thought of putting a Warmoth neck on it!  :doh:

Good thinking, i shall have to investigate!
When I was looking for a guitar I was really after a strat and I tried lots of them. My budget was limited and really all I could afford was the Mexican made stuff. However, there was one that I could get on credit, an Am Std in a rather odd colour. When I tried it there was something better about it compared to the mexis. Couldn't put my finger on it exactly, but it just felt more substansial and the neck felt much better in my hands. That said, nobody knew much about the guitar i bought (the Am Std), what with it being a bit of a weird colour, I wonder if there is anything else special about it. Mojo ? ;-)
If you are going to replace everything anyways, you are definitely better off money and quality wise just getting all the parts from Warmoth or a similar supplier.
Mexican made strats and teles are not bad guitars at all, if you are just starting out they are great ones to get. People are really talking up the "blacktop" series that just came out, in fact at guitar center they have a coupon deal going, you could get on online for $400 delivered, I believe. NOTE: I haven't seen or played those.
HowToKillAKing said:
When looking at Fenders i noticed there are two types, with about a £500 price difference.
One made in mexico and the other the US.
Is there a difference that is worth that sort of money?
I am planning on overhauling the guitar anyway. I would like to use it for Punk and Metal playing and so will be replacing the standard pickups with some Tele Seymour Duncans, so should i worry about where the guitar was made? I can't imagine that i am paying for much more apart from where it was made?


the biggest difference between the Mexican and American strats is the where they are built. There are some features that sets the American standard apart. such as locking tuners. another important difference is that ussually the guitars are "tweaked" and the neck contours made a bit sharper feeling. The finish on the American standard is of a higher quality. The American standards usually have a compound radius which adds to the comfort. some use stainless steel frets. I'm not sure if the guitars arrive set up. Ussually the cheaper models and just put together and sent off to retail with alot of imperfections that are sorted out by the instore guitar techs or the people who know a little bit about guitars, or are just left entirely alone. in which case you are buying midrange crap and midrange prices. The more you pay, the less imperfections and the better the product will feel.

Obviously there are exceptions to the rule and the quality of cheap guitars just keeps getting better and better all the time.
Three things:

1)  Mexican bodies vs American bodies.  They're the same quality unless you're talking Custom shop or an older Squier.  If you're going with a solid color, I'd suggest picking up a Mexican body and throwing a Warmoth neck on it.  If you're going for any sort of transparent... seriously just get a Warmoth.

2)  The Blacktop series.  I got one; here's my quick review: http://www.unofficialwarmoth.com/index.php?topic=14100.0

3)  Just get a Warmoth!  People aren't just saying it to be fanbois.  If you can find a Fender body that you like, that's a good option (especially if it's a solid color), but Warmoth finishes, woods and construction are top freaking notch.

I shall have to look into doing a warmoth then. The body itself would cost about $175 working out less in pounds. Only problem is would eb the finish, i want it in a solid red, Dakota red looks nice but it pushed the price up to $375. I suppose in the end it would actually work out the same as buying a Mexi once i bought new pickups and such.
HowToKillAKing said:
I shall have to look into doing a warmoth then. The body itself would cost about $175 working out less in pounds. Only problem is would eb the finish, i want it in a solid red, Dakota red looks nice but it pushed the price up to $375. I suppose in the end it would actually work out the same as buying a Mexi once i bought new pickups and such.

and you would have a warmoth  :laughing7:
Agree with AprioriMark that the new blacktop fenders are a great option if you want humbuckers.  if not, get the standard mexi-strat.  Either way, throw a Warmoth neck on with your pickups of choice.  Again, all of this is only true if you want a solid color body.  Otherwise, go with the turtle.
Too true elfo.

I will have to discuss it with my friend.
It seems they have what i need in the showcase and i just found you can choose on bare woods to add a colour in the showcase.

If i don't order for a while it is likely the one i am looking at will be bought, i assume that Warmoth will always have a lefty bare wood telecaster in the showcase though right? As the bog standard item?
There's only 1 unfinished Lefty tele in the showcase atm.
You can always order one in the Body Builder, a Swamp Ash no frills Tele runs $175 before your choice of finish. $360 with a solid or transparent finish.
just from word of mouth (so correct me if I'm wrong), here's what I have picked up about the Mex vs USA dilema. I've heard that the Mexican factory, because it is newer, has better equipment, and therefore actually has the potential to build higher quality instruments. But the experience of the craftsmen (and women) in the Mexico plant is not as good as the experience of the USA workers, who (although working on slightly older equipment), do a better job actually making guitars. Soo . . . . Mex strats can be every bit as good as American strats, but it's hit and miss. (also, American strats can be "under par"). 

Bottom line: whatever you do, PLAY THE GUITAR BEFORE YOU BUY IT.
B3Guy said:
just from word of mouth (so correct me if I'm wrong), here's what I have picked up about the Mex vs USA dilema. I've heard that the Mexican factory, because it is newer, has better equipment, and therefore actually has the potential to build higher quality instruments. But the experience of the craftsmen (and women) in the Mexico plant is not as good as the experience of the USA workers, who (although working on slightly older equipment), do a better job actually making guitars. Soo . . . . Mex strats can be every bit as good as American strats, but it's hit and miss. (also, American strats can be "under par"). 

Bottom line: whatever you do, PLAY THE GUITAR BEFORE YOU BUY IT.
