Ah, kids and guitars

Vol. Knob

Hero Member
It was past bedtime last night and I hear a guitar twanging from my 10 year old's room...  I'd recently begun teaching him, his brother, and a friend's daughter guitar.  So naturally I don't wanna discourage his efforts, but its a school-night and it was bedtime.

He'd been learning on his acoustic Dean Playmate 3/4, a killer guitar for a kid.  But I opened his door and see that he has his older stepbrothers 335 copy strapped on and he's plugged into a practice amp and he's strumming the D chord while banging his head.  How dumb am I not to have recongized the sound difference between an acoustic and a 335 copy plugged into a practice amp, but to be fair, he did have it dialed in clean.

But that's not the funny part.  He was using an effects patch cable.  He had a freakin 4 inch cable.  He had to stick the amp on a chair and stand next to it.  Yup.  Thats my boy.  The apple didnt fall far from the tree at all.
How very metal of him! You should remind him that D minor really is the saddest of all keys.  :toothy10:
nathana said:
How very metal of him! You should remind him that D minor really is the saddest of all keys.  :toothy10:

No need.  I have that on a t-shirt, complete with the trebble clef notation.  Its my favorite shirt.  I have all my kids trained to say that with a fake brittish accent.  Its funny to watch people try to figure it out, you can tell who's seen Spinal Tap and who hasnt in under 5 seconds. 

my second favorite shirt says "Your favorite band sucks", from theonion.com's store.  My stepson wore it to school and had to turn it inside out.  I wore it to a "group therapy" meeting I've been ordered to take, and the therapist said to me "So, you don't like Nickelback?".  Silly question, nobody likes Nickelback.