
About to start my first Warmoth build. Couple of questions


Junior Member
Hey guys I have the parts arriving next week for my first Warmoth build. I would assume that they do not drill the holes for the jack plate, strap buttons, pickup rings, etc. Is that correct? If so do you guys have any tips? I don't have a drill press so I would be using a cordless drill. I am pretty competent with it but I don't want to wreck the finish. Thanks.
Go slow, make sure you're lined up properly and you should be fine. Measure twice, cut once I think is how the addage goes.

And post pics when you've finished each step. We're ravenous for pics!
drewfx said:
If you aren't confident in something, practice on scrap wood until you are.
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also whenever you are about to size a drill bit, make sure you use another piece of wood first and make sure of a good snug fit.
remember the practice wood is a great place to make mistakes, the guitar is not.
Working some scrap is a good idea. Also, if you have a particularly hard wood top like maple, be sure to wax your screws. Finally, don't worry too much about the finish - all the holes you'll drill in the body are going to be covered by the part you screw on, so if you do happen to end up chipping the finish at all, you'll never see it.
Agree on the practice-on-scrap wood first part :)

When I made my axe years ago, I practiced first before doing it on the real piece. When it comes to drilling by hand, to make sure you're drill bit is straight it helps to have someone else at right angles to you checking that your forward-and-back is at 90* to the wood; you can line up the left-and-right 90* yourself (hope this makes sense). From memory, the parts you mention having to drill don't have particularly long screws and aren't super-critical.

To make sure you don't drill too deep, measure the screw length and wrap some tape around the bit as a marker, that kind of thing.

Should yellowve be using pilot holes first and going with a larger bit? I can't remember.
I'm confident in my drilling abilities. Just don't wanna crack the finish. That is my biggest concern. I will use a piece of scrap to make sure my holes are the right size though. I wish I had a really crappy painted  body to make some holes in. That would probably up my confidence.
What helped me is a local hardware store.  They had a guy there who measured the screw for me to help me size the drill bit correctly.  I didn't test it on a piece of wood first, but it probably would have been a good idea.
start on scrap wood for starters. also, there is a 36 part warmoth strat build video diary of sorts on youtube. type in "warmoth strat build" in the search bar. very good stuff on there.
Thanks guys surprisingly all my Warmoth parts showed up today. So I may start my drilling tonight. Wish me luck. Oh and I am starting a new thread with pics of my goodies. Please check er out.
Well drilled all my holes for the pickup ring, strap, jack plate, cavity cover, etc. Had no issues at all.  Now some dinner and to start oiling the neck.




