
A third guitar

I see this kind of discussion all the time on various forums of various types. But for all the "what if" the way you vote with your wallet is the truest test of what you value, so...

Hardtail Strat, 12 string strat, short scale p90 warmoth strat. I'd consider a tele if it had the right headstock, bridge, three singles and a 5 way.
swarfrat said:
I'd consider a tele if it had the right headstock, bridge, three singles and a 5 way.

:laughing11: you mean a strat headstock, a strat bridge, 3 singles, and a 5 way? i kid, i kid :icon_biggrin:
JaySwear said:
swarfrat said:
I'd consider a tele if it had the right headstock, bridge, three singles and a 5 way.

:laughing11: you mean a strat headstock, a strat bridge, 3 singles, and a 5 way? i kid, i kid :icon_biggrin:
Exaclty - I was kidding too. My nephew has a couple teles, and I love the sound through a cranked Vox AC-15, but I found I also like my Strat w/ the AC-15 cranked, and although Tele's can do THAT sound really well, they really kinda fall apart at high gain (as does the Vox btw)
Jusatele said:
kboman said:
Str*ts are utterly useless guitars to me in general. How they've become popular is beyond me.

wow, considering that for close to 60 years it has been the most popular guitar in the world and outsold any other model, that is a statement.

I really do not know of many players who will say such, most admit it is like the Ford Model T of Axes, It is easy to play, feels great in the hands and is very versatile  and easily modified. But I have never had a player tell me they were uselesss, maybe not his style, but not useless.

Doesn't work for how I play a guitar = useless. I find it difficult to play, amazingly uncomfortable on a number of points, sonically one-sided, dull and uninspiring and in the end not very pretty to look at compared to many other models.
But hey, that's me. If it works you you, wonderful! It just doesn't work for me :)

Whether something sells or not has no real bearing on whether or not it will work for me (except statistically, and we all know about statistics right? :tard:). I have always seen the Les Paul as the baseline electric guitar, not the Str*t.
I have to agree, while there may be many more strats than LP's.

the LP is the icon, especially in recent years.
kboman said:
Jusatele said:
kboman said:
Str*ts are utterly useless guitars to me in general. How they've become popular is beyond me.

wow, considering that for close to 60 years it has been the most popular guitar in the world and outsold any other model, that is a statement.

I really do not know of many players who will say such, most admit it is like the Ford Model T of Axes, It is easy to play, feels great in the hands and is very versatile  and easily modified. But I have never had a player tell me they were uselesss, maybe not his style, but not useless.

Doesn't work for how I play a guitar = useless. I find it difficult to play, amazingly uncomfortable on a number of points, sonically one-sided, dull and uninspiring and in the end not very pretty to look at compared to many other models.
But hey, that's me. If it works you you, wonderful! It just doesn't work for me :)

Whether something sells or not has no real bearing on whether or not it will work for me (except statistically, and we all know about statistics right? :tard:). I have always seen the Les Paul as the baseline electric guitar, not the Str*t.
As are opinions, especially online opinions, you can tell by the claims guys make .... anyway, ok you think the strat is uncomfortable, I have never had anyone tell me that. It is the most comfortable guitar to play out there.
I can understand personal preference, and personally, I rip the electronics out of every strat I have ever owned and replaced them. And I buy American  made Strats so I am paying a premium to do such. And my favorite guitar to play is a telecaster. I own a PRS and have owned several LPs, I think if I could only own 1 axe, it would be a Strat, they are just to easy to play, to comfortable, and to easy to mod to get the sound  you like.
Besides that, the current crap that Gibson is turning out is why most guys I know would not pick up a LP anymore and have switched to PRS. The sound of the classic LP is there, in a much easier guitar to play and one that is more comfortable. Plus the things are not falling apart and the finish is worth the money, unlike the current line of Gibsons. For 3 grand I can get a PRS that rocks and to get that out of a Gibson would cost over 5. If Gibson feels they are secure in their position they only have to look at the raise of PRS to see their market share is eroding extremely fast and they will be forced to flood the market with Cheap LPs just to stay in business, OPPS isn't that what they have done in the last 10 years?
I had a Gibson LP studio dotneck. It was heavy, about as live as a brick wall, and humbuckers suck at clean tones, except for the neck pickup only for a certain set of jazz clean tones. Especially humbuckers on short scale guitars. The who reason for this current guitar project is to add one for that sound' in a guitar that doesn't make my elbow dig into my side, be impossible to play sitting down, hang 2 frets off of neutral from a strap and cost obscene amounts of money for the privelege of playing with those sucky ergonomics.
kboman said:
Jusatele said:
kboman said:
Str*ts are utterly useless guitars to me in general. How they've become popular is beyond me.

wow, considering that for close to 60 years it has been the most popular guitar in the world and outsold any other model, that is a statement.

I really do not know of many players who will say such, most admit it is like the Ford Model T of Axes, It is easy to play, feels great in the hands and is very versatile  and easily modified. But I have never had a player tell me they were uselesss, maybe not his style, but not useless.

Doesn't work for how I play a guitar = useless. I find it difficult to play, amazingly uncomfortable on a number of points, sonically one-sided, dull and uninspiring and in the end not very pretty to look at compared to many other models.
But hey, that's me. If it works you you, wonderful! It just doesn't work for me :)

Whether something sells or not has no real bearing on whether or not it will work for me (except statistically, and we all know about statistics right? :tard:). I have always seen the Les Paul as the baseline electric guitar, not the Str*t.

I'm beginning to think you might be an alien from another planet, and you have some kind of strange non-human body. That's the only way to explain how you could think an LP is more comfortable than a strat.  :toothy10:
Disco Scottie said:
kboman said:
Jusatele said:
kboman said:
Str*ts are utterly useless guitars to me in general. How they've become popular is beyond me.

wow, considering that for close to 60 years it has been the most popular guitar in the world and outsold any other model, that is a statement.

I really do not know of many players who will say such, most admit it is like the Ford Model T of Axes, It is easy to play, feels great in the hands and is very versatile  and easily modified. But I have never had a player tell me they were uselesss, maybe not his style, but not useless.

Doesn't work for how I play a guitar = useless. I find it difficult to play, amazingly uncomfortable on a number of points, sonically one-sided, dull and uninspiring and in the end not very pretty to look at compared to many other models.
But hey, that's me. If it works you you, wonderful! It just doesn't work for me :)

Whether something sells or not has no real bearing on whether or not it will work for me (except statistically, and we all know about statistics right? :tard:). I have always seen the Les Paul as the baseline electric guitar, not the Str*t.

I'm beginning to think you might be an alien from another planet, and you have some kind of strange non-human body. That's the only way to explain how you could think an LP is more comfortable than a strat.  :toothy10:

he is from a planet were they eat rotten fish and watch donald duck all day on christmas day! they undress and hit each other with twigs! oh and the most popular thing on tv is Telebingo!
Here is something a little embarrasing.  I have never played a strat...ever.  Not a single note.  Not even at a guitar shop.  For a long time I was against them purely because everyone around me had one and I wanted to be different.  That was why I bought the PRS.  It was a rare guitar where I am.  I got the telecaster partially because of my irrational dislike of strats purely on the basis of their popularity.  I know tele's are the new thing now, but still.  I have gotten over that now and I really like the idea of easier access to the upper frets.  I think I may go with the neck contour cut for that same reason.
Some of you people might die if someone ever told you breathing air was popular.
Märkeaux said:
he is from a planet were they eat rotten fish and watch donald duck all day on christmas day! they undress and hit each other with twigs! oh and the most popular thing on tv is Telebingo!

Well, to be fair the fish isn't actually rotten, it only smells like it. And it's the finns who do the twig whipping thing, and they're all out of their minds!
Donald Duck is correct though (but it's on christmas eve: christmas day is secondary to christmas eve in Sweden for some reason) but the bingo thing has lost in popularity the last few years rather dramatically. Now it's all Idol this and Dancing with the stars that...

As for how I hold a guitar, something like this:


A str*t simply gives me no anchor for the right arm just below the elbow where it's needed (no edge), the strings are too close to the body, there is no neck angle and it's too bloody thin. Maybe just as important: when I first heard the King Crimson album Starless And Bible Black, there was no going back. I had to play music, and I had to play a Les Paul.

Lets stay on topic now, yes? :)
kboman said:
Lets stay on topic now, yes? :)

That will be a resounding no. You can't walk into a room full of Strat lovers, rag on the Strat, and then tell everyone not to put their 2 cents in. The Strat is the superior guitar all around. You know why I can make that statement? Because Eddie Van Halen took the pup out of an LP and put it in a Strat body. Case Closed.
the LP I used to own weighed 12.5lbs. That surely wasn't as comfortable as a Strat.
Go Mully

Plus, if we did not hijack threads around here, we would not be the group we are. Some of our best discussions have been hijacks. :toothy10: :toothy10: :toothy10: :toothy10: :toothy10: